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ONESHOT TITLE: The Wattpad Writer

Your a Wattpad writer and they look through your phone and read your story. 🤷‍♀️ also there is a reference to one of my books which is sadly discontinued. ALSO also, I wrote this a long time ago (June 21 2022) and just recently found it so I decided to add it to this lovely oneshot book. Have fun my dear readers.

Y/n POV:
I stood in the kitchen making myself breakfast I turned on my music for my phone and set it down beside me as I put my earbuds in. "Hey kitten~, can me and Dark see your phoneeee~..." I turned my head over in Anti and Dark's direction. "Why do you wanna see my phone...?" "No reason... I mean, it's not like were gonna break it or something princess~." "That's not what I'm worried about..." I said quietly to myself, blushing slightly. Dark and Anti smiled, they had definitely heard what I had said. They walked over to me. Anti teleported behind me and grabbed my phone. "Hey! Give it back" Anti teleported onto the couch, laying down he stared up at my phone as he held it. "Your password is your birthday right~?" I tried to run over to Anti to grab my phone but Dark grabbed me and picked me up bridal-style. "Why so nervous darling~..." I could feel my face heat up, my cheeks turned a bright red. Dark let out a soft chuckle and he gave me a small kiss.

Anti POV:
Dark put Y/N down as I unlocked her phone it bringing me straight into her music app Spotify the song (favorite song) by (favorite artist/band) playing. "You've got a lovely taste in music lass~." She blushed slightly and looked away. I went to her tabs to see she had 2 apps open. Spotify and Wattpad. I smiled at Y/N. "Wattpad my love~ really?" She turned a bright red as she cursed herself inside her head. Dark teleported next to me on the couch and looked at her phone with me in awe. I clicked on her Wattpad profile to see she had written her own story called 'Paranoia' about Dark and I. We looked up at Y/N and stared at her questioningly. "What?" I smiled, "We didn't know you were a writer." "Shall we read it Anti~?" Y/N's eyes widened and she tried to grab her phone away from me. I gave the phone to Dark, pulling Y/N by the waist onto my lap I restrained her arms making sure she couldn't grab her phone. "What's wrong love~? Your so adorable when your flustered~..."  Dark and I read her story. It was quite interesting and the whole time Y/N's face was entirely red. "If you wanted us to hurt you we could always do that~..." "It's just a story I just want cuddles and occasionally to kill a bitch that a may possibly hold a grudge against..." I chuckled and grabbed her by the chin making her look at me. "We could arrange that~..." I let go of her and Dark handed Y/N her phone. "I didn't take you for such a masochist darling, but I guess I was wrong~."

GAH ITS SO OLD- CRINGEY (I know I wrote this like only a couple of months ago but still-...) KILL IT WITH FIREEE 💀

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