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Just in case someone tries to accuse me of stealing, this oneshot is from my story called "Life needs a bit of madness~" on another one of my many accounts, @TheBorderlineTV :) don't try to sue me or smth pls. 🕺💃 Have fun reading!

Laying on my bed staring at the ceiling, I sighed bored out of my mind. Just wanting something, anything to happen to make my life interesting.

I looked to the right of my bed where a small bottle of pills sat on my nightstand. 'At this point anything would be better than living this depressing, boring life forever...' I sat up on my bed and grabbed the pills. The label read [Antidepressants] I laughed as I read the label feeling as if they never really helped.

I took a handful of pills out of the container and swallowed them with water. I laid back down onto my bed and just watched silently as darkness consumed me.

~Dream Start~

I woke up on the ground of a forest, 'Strange place for a dream to take place.' I had somehow already known I was asleep. I sat up slowly. I held my head, as a piercing pain erupted through it. 'Fuck... That hurts.' Once the pain lessened, I stood up completely and looked around at my surroundings. For a second I thought I saw a man, but my eyes must have been playing tricks on me because he disappeared as soon as I turned to looked at him.

I started walking in a random direction not knowing where the exit was and at this point not really caring either. I heard a few sticks snap behind me, but every time I looked back there was no one there. It didn't matter anyway, I'm sure soon enough I'll be dead.

??? POV

Y/N didn't seem to care at all for anything that could mean danger. From sticks snapping behind her or believing she might've seen someone watching her. It was strange to me, I haven't seen anyone quite like her. She's so carefree. I'm so glad I saved her from killing herself, and I want her to be all mine~.


After a few hours I somehow found myself back at the area I woke up in, defeated I sat down on a nearby log and put my head in my hands. 'This forest is annoying the hell outta me. I'm getting tired of this shit...' I felt a tap on my shoulder and quickly looked behind me to see nothing. "What the-." "Hello darling~..." A smooth deep voice spoke from in front of me making me jump from the sudden sound.

I turned to look at him. The handsome man had medium brown hair with a mustache and was wearing a button up pink shirt, paired with tan pants and rainbow suspenders. "Sorry dear~ I didn't mean to startle you." The man held his hand out to me, his dark chocolate eyes boring into mine. I shook his hand. "The names Wilford, but you can call me Wil darling." "I'm uh- Y/N" Wil smiled and let go of my hand. "You don't seem too sure about it deary~."

Wilford chuckled as he sat down next to me on the log. He rested his chin on his hand as he stared at me. "How did you come to be here Y/n?" I looked at Wilford not knowing if he knew this was a dream. "I don't really know actually." "Just so you know I do know this is a dream Y/n and I'm very sure you know how you got here~..." 'Oh yeah overdose...' Wilford got up. "Sadly Y/N you didn't actually die like you wanted to. I won't let you do that, I made sure that you'll make a full recovery, In fact your actually in the hospital currently darling."

I looked away from Wilford, he had somehow knew everything that happened prior to this dream of mine, and he had saved me... Wil crouched down in front of me grabbed me by my chin and made me look at him. "I know how it is dear. To lose everything, having nothing make sense anymore and everything feel like it's one big madhouse. But life always needs a bit of madness deary~." He said letting go of me and getting up.

"I'll try to go see you when you wake up." Wilford then got up and ruffled my hair affectionately before disappearing in a cloud of pink smoke. 'Back to living hell I guess.' I waited a few minutes and slowly but surely everything faded to black and I was pulled back to reality.

~Dream End~

I woke up in what appeared to be a hospital. He definitely wasn't lying about saving me. After a few doctors and nurses checked on me and I was now free to leave hospital so I went back to my house. I opened my front door and closed it behind me as I walked inside. I threw my bag onto the couch, it fell off but I didn't care to pick it up and put it back on there.

I went into my bathroom and searched through my cupboards. I tried looking for my razor blade but I couldn't find it at all. "Looking for something?" I jumped from the sudden sound and hit my head on the inside of the cupboard. "Fuck!" I turned towards where the sound came from to see Wilford standing in the doorway holding my razor blade. 'Holy hell you're real.' Wilford smiled reading my mind. "Of course I'm real I told you that I'd come and see you. And while I'm here you won't be doing this." He said looking at the razor blade. Wilford put the razor blade in his pocket and walked into my living room.

I sighed closing the cupboards and followed after him. He sat down on the couch and got comfortable crossing his legs over one another. "Are you just going to be staying then?" Wilford met my gaze and giggled. "Yup." I sighed and sat down onto the couch next to him. "What are you exactly, it definitely isn't human, humans definitely can't teleport randomly into peoples homes." Wilford giggled softly. "Sorry bout that. But actually I'm not quite sure what I am, but it's definitely not human my darling."

I looked at him confused. "That doesn't even make sense... Also why do you keep calling me nicknames?" Wil smiled before disappearing in a familiar pink cloud of smoke to purposely avoid my question. I sat from the couch and looked around for Wil. 'You bitch...' I could hear him giggling behind me.

Wilford wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him, he rested his chin on my shoulder. "It's because I find you rather attractive, my darling~..." My face quickly became heated as I tried to break out if his grasp. Wilford laughed softly and let go of me. "I'm definitely not attractive..."

Wilford walked over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist again, he pulled me into hug. He buried himself into the crook of my neck, his cold breaths on my skin making me shiver every time he breathed.

"You can lie to yourself, but you cant lie to me darling. You're mentally and physically attractive, accept it princess." I relaxed in his grasp. "Have whatever opinion of me you'd like..." His grip tightened around me and he picked me up. He brought me into my bedroom and put me down on my bed. "Get some rest, I'll be around." Wilford looked at the pill bottle that sat on my nightstand. "And I'm taking these with me." He said taking the pill bottle and stuffing it into his pocket.

Wilford kissed my forehead and left my room closing the door behind him. I smiled to myself. 'God who wouldn't love him?' I thought to myself, but hearing Wil laughing outside my room let me know he had read my thoughts. I quickly became a flustered mess and hid myself under my blanket. I giggled in my flustered state as I fell asleep.

I never continued the story by the way so dont try to go read it for yourself. lmao 🤭🤡🕺💃💀🫶🏻

1384 words 🤭

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