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Jessica POV

We step out of the elevator and out the hotel doors. "TAXI" Autumn tries to get the attention of the taxi man. After 2 minutes a taxi pulls up. We hop in the back. "Where ya heading?" He asks us. "The Vine" I answer. The Vine is the fanciest restraunt around. We pull up to The Vine and walk in the doors. "Hi how many?" The waitress asks. "3 please" I say. "Follow me" She says. She walks us to a booth and Clover an I get on one side and Autumn gets the other. "So when are we going home?" I ask. "One Week" She answers.We both look over to Clover then back at each other. "Are we taking her with us?" I ask. Autumn looks at me and frowns. I make a puppy dog face and see just chuckles at me. "fine" she rolls her eyes at me. I turn to Clover and say "your staying with us!" She starts clapping and cheers. " YAY". "May I take your order?" The waitress asks

"Yes can we have 2 orders of pasta and mini corn dogs for her?" I ask

"Yes it will be right out"

Te waitress walks away and clover starts poking me. "yes" Autumn and I ask in usion. "Why are them boys staring at us?"Clover asks and I look behind us to see five boys looking at us. Wait that's Niall THAT'S HARRY AND LIAM AND ZAYN AND AND LOUIS. oh sht. I turn around quickly and give Autumn a worried look. "Clover lets go wash our hands" I say picking up clover. I look to Autumn who nods. I stand up and quickly glance at the boys who are still looking at me. I walk faster to the bathroom. We walk in the woman's Jessica POV

We step out of the elevator and out the hotel doors. "TAXI" Autumn tries to get the attention of the taxi man. After 2 minutes a taxi pulls up. We hop in the back. "Where ya heading?" He asks us. "The Vine" I answer. The Vine is the fanciest restraunt around. We pull up to The Vine and walk in the doors. "Hi how many?" The waitress asks. "3 please" I say. "Follow me" She says. She walks us to a booth and Clover an I get on one side and Autumn gets the other. "So when are we going home?" I ask. "One Week" She answers.We both look over to Clover then back at each other. "Are we taking her with us?" I ask. Autumn looks at me and frowns. I make a puppy dog face and see just chuckles at me. "fine" she rolls her eyes at me. I turn to Clover and say "your staying with us!" She starts clapping and cheers. " YAY".room and I turn on the water. Clover puts her hand under the water and I put soap on them. We walk out the door and somebody puts there hand on the wall pressing us against the wall. Harry. "What happened back at the arena?" Harry asks. "nothing!" I say frustrated. "Jess" He sighs. "Later, Only you but for now can we eat?" I say. He nods"who is this?" Harry coos. "she's a runaway toddler we found.Her names Clover!" I say. Harry takes her from me and I walk back to the tables with him. He sits down and I walk over to there table and stare at him. "WHAT!" he chuckles. " can I have Clover now?" I say/laugh. "oh yah" he says handing her to me. I walk over and sit down. Autumn gives me a confused look and I just sigh. Jus then the waitress's walks over with our food. Clover is already halfway done with hers. I take bites out of my pasta and Laugh at how fast Clovers eating. "when was the last time you ate?" I ask her

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