One more concert

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Jessica POV;

We have a show tonight. Tht mean after this one, there's one more left. I wish I started sooner in the tour, but I didn't know they're opening act was gonna die.... I hope I can have my own tour one day, It really is fun.

"We're here" El yells walking in the tour bus. She stops and sees Niall. "You guys aren't speaking, I thought" She says confused. "I told him" I say with no expression. She smiles brightly and says "Yay! Congrats!!!" I look at Niall, eating awkwardly and laugh.

"Anyways, I just got a text from Harry saying we should go to the arena now." Niall says. El sighs and I walk up to her. She puts her arm around my waist and we walk around like that, not wanting to go. "Do we need to" El asks. "Yes, let's go" Niall sighs.


*At arena*

El, Niall, and I walk in together, listening to the screaming fans. We decide to walk and say hi. Niall goes one way and El and I go the other. Girls screaming our names to take pictures. "Living the fame life" El whispers in my ear and I laugh. I don't know why I laugh, Truly. We walk up to this girl who has her iPhone held out to take a picture with us. We pose for a picture with her and walk away. We walk up to a girl crying. She must be excited for the concert. I look around and see many crying girls. She hands me a binder and it has notes for the boys, Perrie, El, and Me. Me? Woah. Then it's a list of twitter names.

We take a few more pictures, hear a few nasty words, then go inside. The boys are in their dressing room so I go into mine and El follows along. A lady comes in and does my make up and hair. She hangs up an outfit and leaves the room. I stare at my reflection, admiring it. I grab my outfit and change. It's a blue tube dress with white boots and a white beanie. My curled hair falls loosely down my back. Ugg why is my hair so long?

"OMG you look fabulous!" Eleanor screams. I smirk and grab a water bottle. I take a sip from it and walk out backstage. I grip the water bottle tightly and get the gitters out the best I can. I'm introduced and I walk out in stage, being greeted by many screams. I smile and wave to everyone. I see a sign saying #WeWantJiallBack. How do these fans find out this stuff. They'd be surprised to know, We are! I start singing...


I walk of stage and quickly sit down on the couch. Eleanor runs up to me and says "Girl, you wt better everytime you sing!" I giggle and say Thanks. I hear te girls screaming so loud. Boys must be out. I walk up next to Paul who's watching from the side. Niall looks at the sign I saw and smiles.

They go through their songs, talk, and interact with their fans. "I dedicate this song to my favorite girl in the world, I made a huge mistake and I'm so gla she decided to forgive me. I hope I never lose her again. I finally found my princess. I love you Jessica" He says and turns and looks at me. The fans start screaming. They start singing "They Don't Know about us" and he keeps turning and looking at me. I can't cry, Jess don't cry. "Your blushing" Eleanor whispers in my ear. The concert ends and the sweaty boys come and Louis wraps El in a hug and they kiss quickly. Niall walks over to me slowly, staring at my eyes.

Louis POV:

I see Niall and Jess kissing in the corner and no matter how hard I try, I can't look away. I clench my fists and take a deep breath. I turn to El who looking very confused. I smile at her and try and get as far as away as I can from Jessica and Niall. We pile on the bus and Jessica walks in a moment later.


No school due to tornados:) I had no power at all for like 10 hours...






Lily XX

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