C'mon Niall

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Jess Pov:

A tear slips down my cheek. Gosh Dang it Jess stop crying! I walk out to the living room. To see Eleanor playing with clover. "No that was my doll!" El whined. I giggled and then th realization of Niall hit me. Is he okay? I wonder if he hates me! Jessica Marie Hill stop it this instant! I pull out my phone and call Niall. One ring, No answer. Two ring, No answer. Three ring, No answer. Fourth ring, No- He answered!!

"Hello? Niall? Are you alive? Are you okay? I'm sorry let me explain! Dont hate me! Do you hate me? Aw you hate me!" I cry into te phone

"Jess, I don't hate you" He laughs

"They why wouldn't you answer?" I ask.

"What I'm not aloud to shit?" he asks.

"OMG Niall!" I laugh.


I cut it short cause my phones about dead and I promised you if update sometime. Ignore the schedule that's done with lol. I got rid of my others to now it's this is Mail Order Bride

Bye XX

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