I Wont Hate You, Ever

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Jessica POV:

I haven't left my room at all today. Niall hasn't came back yet and it's almost 2. Dani knocks on my door every so often and my phone has rang a million and one times. Okay, not really.

Nialls POV:

Oh my god Jessica, answer me. I'm almost at Lauren's house and I still haven't heard from Jessica. James, my friend, pulled into her house and I thanked him quickly. I ran into the house and saw everyone in the livin room but Jessica. "Where's Jess" I ask. "She's locked herself I her room all day" Dani answers worriedly. Lauren gets up and walks towards me. She pulls me in the kitchen and says "She needs to talk to you, whatever happens in there, It wasn't her fault" She whispers and walks back into the other room. My heart starts pumping faster as I bolted up the stairs and going to Jessica's room. I barged in and saw her under her blanket sniffiling. "Jessica" I say sadly running up to her side. I pull the blanket off her and her face has mascara all over it and it's red. I pull her close to me and try to calm her.

After a while of calming down she started to talk. "Last night" Was all she said until she broke out crying again. I pulled out my phone and texted her "Text it to me" She pulled out her phone and typed why seems like a paragraph. Every so often, she had to wipe the tears off her screen. My heart shattered at the sight. I've never seen her like this. Just then my phone buzzed. I took a deep breath and read the text:

Niall, Last night after you left I went into the basement. This boy Ryan came down and offered to get me water. After the glass I lost all control of my body. He took me to the couch and raped me. Niall I don't know what to do or say. I won't blame you if you hate me forever and never talk to me again. I'm not talking to myself again. I'm never moving again. I wish I wouldn't have drank that "water" and Niall I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it I swear.

I read the text and soon tears had to be wiped from my screen. I looked at Jessica. She looked like she hated herself. I pulled her into a hug and whispered "Jessica it wasn't your fault, I could never hate you. That douche. I'm so sorry but I'm glad you told me. I will always love you Jessica Marie Hill"


I hug Niall tighter as he whispers to me. "You must be starving" He says putting me on his back and standing up. This man deserves a cookie. "I love you NiNi" I mumble in his ear. He carries me down the stairs. All eyes are on me. Niall carries me into the kitchen and sets me down on the counter. I hear yelling in the other room. Dani runs in and hugs my legs, then runs out. Niall looks at me confused but I just smile.

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