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Ohh I've made 500!! Get your tissues ready..... :)

Eleanor's Pov:

URG why isn't this stupid nail polish coming off. I scrub my toe with the nial polish remover to get some nail polish that Louis put on, off. It's not working. "Im done" I say as a put the cotton ball down and sigh. I pick up my phone and go to messages. I click Jesssyyyyy<3 and start typing.

'Hey Jess! Text me when the plane is on land' I re-read then press send.

Moment later I get a message saying

'We are..'

What the haystack? It's only been 45 minutes or so. I press the W key until I hear "Jessica!" being shouted in horror. That had to be Niall. I hear his heavy sobs so I decided to run down the stair being greeted by the others. "Niall what is it mate?" Liam says. Niall is sobbing heavily and just points to the tv. When we look it goes to the news

"Well here we have a brutal plane crash that was heading to Austrailia. Witnesses say it was losing parts in the air. 37 dead and the rest injured. 18 Kids dead, 19 adults. This is some serious stuff" The lady says.

"Jessica" I say under my breath. "[Curse word] " I scream. "Jessica please e okay" I scream. The salty tears stain my cheeks. "Why you" I say silently. I hear screams and crys from the tv. My head quickly snaps over, catching my attention. It's showing videos of all the people. But there's something in the corner that catches my eyes. "PAUSE IT!" I scream. Liam does as he is told and I walk up to the Tv. I point in the far right corner by the woods. There's a girl sitting there crying her heart out with a blonde child in her hands, but that no ordinary blonde. That's Clover. "That's Jessica" I say. Jessica turns around towards the camera and everyone in TE room breaks down. "Jessica's not okay, ad I don't know it Clovers alive...." Zayn says sadly. "SHE HAS TO BE" Niall screams. Harry places a hand on his back. "She will be okay, right?" Niall asks with his head in his hands sobbing. Harry sighs and wipes away a tear. "I don't know" Everyone was silent. We all stare at the tv, silently. I look at everyone's face.

Zayn has his arm around Liam, both have tears slipping down there face, silently. Louis standing there in shock. Tears coming as he wipes them away every second, silently. Harry with his hand on Nialls back. Nialls sobbing, silently. It feels like everything's going in slow motion. Paramedics taking all the people away, dead or alive. We watch as Clover and Jessica get put on stretchers. We watch as they drive away. "We need to go. Now" Niall says standing up. I stand up. All I can think about is Jessica's face. while she was holding Clover. I can't handle it. I fall to the ground, losing all control of my body. Sob, that's all I do until I feel someone pick me up. I look up and see Harry. "How are you so calm during all this!! Eit you care Harry?!?!" I scream. "Shh" Harry shushes and rushes outside to the car. We drive, and drive, and drive, still silently. I close my eyes super tight holding back the tears.


I open my eyes and see we are pulling in a hospital. Did I fall asleep? We exit the car and walk up to the front door. People rushing in. We run up to the front desk and say "Hill". The lady scans her computer than looks up. "Jessica and Clover are both in critical condition, they may not be seen at the moment. You may wait outside room 1167. Jessica will be done momentarily, But Clover won't." She says. A tear slides down my cheek. We go in the elevator and press floor 2. We find the room and sit down outside it. We sit there with our head in our hands. I hear a door open and I look up. I stand up eagerly, along with the others. The doctor comes out and Harry asks "Can we go in?" The doctor moves out of the way and nods. I run in and sit down next to her. Niall is on the other side. We stare at her for a while. Her eyes pop wide open an my heart stops. "God you scared me Jess" I sigh. "Clover?" She says. "Clover" Jessica screams. "Shh" Niall says rubbing her leg. Her head snaps towards Niall. She smiles widely and hugs him. She smiles at the boys then turns to me. I grab her hand and smile. "El" She says. A knock on the door interups us. "Come in" I yell. The doctor comes in and stands by Niall.

"Jessica, I see your awake! Good. Now lets talk. Are you in pain?" The doctor asks.

"Sorta" She says.

"Well luckily for you, all that happened is a broken shoulder, nose, and wrist. You see, you landed in an awkward position when it exploded. Your face smacked the ground, which caused your broken nose, and you landed on your side. If you were to land else how, you could have been seriously hurt."

"What about Clover?" I ask worriedly.

"Shes a different storie. She was wrapped in your arms when it exploded, correct?"

She nodded

"Well she stayed like that. Since she is so young she could have died instantly if you didn't do that, so we thank you" He says

I let out a small cry

"Unfortunalty, Shes very hurt. Badly. Ribs, knee, elbow, and some burns. I hate to say this but, I don't know if she will make it." He says

Jessica's smile fades, her eyes lose it's sparkle, all her happiness was flushed. Tear after tear. Second after second. That's when Jessica stands up. "Jess, lay back down" Niall says pushing her softly. "No, my feet are fine." She says walking out of the room. I sigh. Dang it Jess.

Jessica Pov:

I walk out and into Clovers room. I barge in and find her sleeping on the bed. I sit down with her. I pick her up slowly and carefully. I lay her in my arms staring at her face, taking it all in. Her uneven breathing that I felt from her. Her eyes opened slowly and she smiled. She kissed my hand and says "I love you mama". At that instant her eyes close. The uneven breathing stops. There she lay, in my arms. Lifeless. The salty tears stain my face. My puffy, red eyes are getting blurry. "I love you Clover" I say , silently.

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