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Guys, to be honest... This is the last REAL chapter of Pluppy.


**Two weeks later**

"Niall, my water just broke" I yell. Niall comes rushing in and grabs his keys. "We need to go" He says helping me up and to the car. This is happening. Soon I'll have another part of my daily life with me. Like we said, our glue baby..


Niall POV:

I rub my thumb in her palm as I anxiously look around. My family, her family, the boys, El, and her co stars Megan and Nick showed up. Dani walks over to me. "So are you doing it today?" Dani whispers in my ear. "Yup" I say smiling. She squeals and walks away. Man she squeals a lot.. I nervously fumble with the box in my pocket.


Six hours in an I haven't left her bed side. Everyone's been in and out to get food and such. I can't wait for this child to get here...


"I think she's ready" The doctor says walking in. My face, along with many others, lights up. "Lets do this" The doctor says to Jess. Jessica is tired, scared, excited, and in pain at the same time. I feel awful for her. "And Push" The doctor says holding out the U. "Push" He sad once again. "I see the head, keep pushing" He says. After a few more pushes I hear a soft cry. A tear rolls down my cheek as the doctor holds up the baby. I cut the umbilical cord. Jessica's face lights up as the baby is handed to her. She starts crying. I sit by her shoulder and admire the baby boy in her arms. "He has your eyes" Jessica mumbles happily. I smile and examine the baby more. I hear many clicking of photos and videos being recorded but I ignore it all.

"So what are you going to name it?" The doctor asks. Jessica looks up at me and then says "Luke Horan" She says staring at the baby.


The baby's off being cleaned and tested. This is my time. I look over at Dani and she gives me a thumbs up. "Jessica?" I ask, getting her attention. "Hmm" Dhr says turning towards me. "Little Luke deserves a family, and so do you. I'm not letting you raise this child alone and I promise I will always be there for you and him. So to make it easier. Jessica Hill, will you do me the honor of marrying me?" I ask pulling out the ring. She starts to tear up and nods happily. "Yes. Yes!" She yells pulling her Han up to her mouth and cries happy tears. I get up and hug her and place the ring on her finger. The room busts out in cheers. This is it....

This is the start of something beautiful....


And so that is it... I know this was never the best book but I fucking can't stand to see it end. I don't want to but I have too.. I will have three more after chapters.

•One year after

•Five years after

& Ten years after

I just want to say that you all are the most amazing people ever and thank you for reading. I never knew it would reach 3.2k.... I'm extremely happy and I just want you to know I love you guys and after three short chapters, I can click the completed button and focus on my other.. I really am going to miss this story and you guys most of all. I almost gave up on this story 4 times but you guys have got me through! I love you and for a final time....


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