6- Lucky

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"Alex! I have good news!" Lily said through the phone.

"Really? I need good news. I've just checked a place out, and it was no good". I sighed.

"I remembered that Louis shared an apartment with Mia. And since she left to London last week, I thought he might have a room available".

"Does he?"


"What's the good news then?" I frowned, she was chuckling.

"He told me that he has a friend that can help you. I'll send you his number, so make sure to call him as soon as you can".

"Great! Thank you! I didn't like Kayla's friends at all".

"I imagined that could happen, that's why I asked him".

"Thank you, thank you, and thank you! I'll call him right away".

"Hope you like it. You know Louis; he's really picky with people".

"Yeah, that gives me hope".

"Well, I called just for that. I have to go back. Tell me how it goes at night".

"Sure. Talk to you later".

As soon as I finished the call, Lily sent me a text with the number of Louis' friend. Its name was Ryan. I called him quickly. I just had four days left; there was no time to waste. He wasn't quick to answer; I almost hung up when he accepted my call.

"Hello?" He said over the phone.

"Hi. Is it Ryan?" I asked.

"Yeah, who is it?"

"My name is Alexa. I got your number through Louis. I'm looking for a room to rent".

"Oh, it's you. Yeah, I have an extra room because my brother went to study abroad. Louis asked me if I was willing to rent it, and here we are".

"Thank you. I've been looking for something for weeks. Where is it?"

"Sutton Place. Do you have time this afternoon? I'll be busy with work the next few days; so if you can come today, it would be nice".

"Yeah, sure".

"I'll send you the address then. I'm going to be here until 9 pm, just call me when you're outside".

"Ok, thank you".

"See you later".

"See you". I pressed the end call button.

He sounded nice, and the apartment was in a good neighborhood.

"It might be the one", I thought.

I looked at my phone's screen right after it buzzed. It was a message from Ryan with the map's location. Until that moment, I had spent the day painting in my pajamas so I went directly to the shower to go out soon.

I drove to 1059 Second Avenue. It took a while to get there from my apartment but nothing crazy. The neighborhood was pretty and down the building were a lot of shops, restaurants, and even a laundry. It was about 15 to 20 minutes from my agency too, so it was really handy. I called Ryan to tell him I was downstairs.

"The entry is next to the vape shop, the fourth floor. I'll open the door". He said after letting him know I have already arrived.


I had to admit that I was really enthusiastic about this. I went upstairs and rang the bell of the only apartment on the floor.

"Coming!" I heard Ryan from the other side. The door opened and I saw him face to face.

"Shit". I coursed in my mind.

"Hi", he greeted me.

"Hi". Ryan was the blonde guy from the club.

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