18- What the...

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"What are you doing here?". I muttered, it was unbelievable. He had no face to appear like that.

"Your mother invited me. It seems that you haven't told her we broke up yet".

"Mike? What is taking you so long?" My mother asked from the corridor.

"Hi, untie. How have you been?" He smiled and walked into the house like it was his.

I closed the door, my hand shaking from anger. I went back to the dining room, Ryan's eyes on me. I exchange a glance with him.

"What's happening?", he gesticulated. I shook my head. His eyes went from me to Mike.

"Take a seat, take a seat". My mother urged. Mike sat next to Ryan.

"Hi, you are...?" Mike turned to Ryan.

"Ryan; you must be Mike". He smiled but his eyes were burning.

"Mom, can we talk in the kitchen?"

"We're going to eat, honey".

"Mom..." I stood up and stared at her.

"What did you do this time, Christine?" Dad stared at my mother.

"Fine, to the kitchen". She stood up and walked to the next room, I followed her. "What?"

"You may don't know this but Mike and I broke up".

"I know".

"What?" I paused for a moment. "Why did you invite him then?"

"Why shouldn't I? He's a nice boy".

"Mom! He's my ex-boyfriend, there is a good reason for us to break up. Why do you do this?"

"Alexa, it's my Thanksgiving dinner, I can invite whoever I want. I know why you broke up, don't give me a speech. You should apologize to him and come back together instead of going out with whoever you brought to my house".

"I hate you".

"I'm doing what is better for you. Now, smile and go back. I don't want your father mixed into this".

I was so angry I wanted to cry. My mother left while I stood in the middle of the kitchen trying to calm myself. My sister didn't take long to come in.

"Are you fighting again?" Sam asked.

"You know nothing". I motioned to leave.

"Why don't you just get pregnant and marry someone? Mom will be happy with that".

"I'm not here to make mom happy". I replied. "You may grant every wish she has, not me".

My phone buzzed. I looked at the screen; it was a message from Ryan. "I don't mind if you wanna throw a tantrum and leave. Can I curse for you?" A smile crept to my face. I walked out of the kitchen decided. Ryan looked at me with wide eyes, I moved my head making a sign and he smiled. Ryan stood up and everyone looked at him.

"Well, I would like to say it was a pleasure to meet you all but it wasn't, Pete you're an exception. Enjoy your dinner". My mother was evidently confused.

"Alexa, what are you doing?" My dad looked at me with mixed feelings on his face, like he didn't know which one he should show.

"I'm leaving. Don't call me anymore, I'm tired of you all".

"Alexa, sit down", commanded my mother.

Ryan intertwined his arm with mine and we walked out of there. We walked a whole block before talking again.

"Your smile is so wide that it's kinda scary". He giggled.

"Did you see her face?" I laughed. "Oh my God, I should have done this long ago". I grabbed my head holding the urge to scream.

"What do you want to do now?" I turned to him.

"I'm hungry". He doubled in half laughing. "Why are laughing so hard? Stop". I giggled nervously.

"You're so funny. Let's go eat somewhere". Ryan grabbed my hand and started to walk. "Do you know where is a good restaurant?"

"There's one a few blocks down, but I don't know if it's open".

"Let's go and check. If not, we can order food in the hotel". I nodded smiling stupidly.

Unfortunately, the restaurant was closed. So we walked our way back to the hotel playing, hitting, and mocking each other. My heart felt so light.

Once in the hotel, we changed clothes and ordered dinner from my room. We were lying on the bed eating, talking, and listening to some music.

"Thank you for today. I think if it weren't for you I wouldn't have left".

"You'd have left anyway. "I'm done with this" was written all over your face".

"Don't know. Anyway, thank you".

"And... was that Mike? Your ex, Mike?"

"Yeah" I nodded. "I don't know how in the world he had the face to show up".

"He surely has a thick face".

"Right?" There was a short pause. "Is your family like mine? Worst? Better?"

"It's definitely better". He laughed. "It's just my mom wishing I fall for a girl instead of a boy".

"Hm..." I hummed and kept in silence for a minute. "Ryan..."


"By saying that, it's weird to ask keeping in mind what we have been doing but..."

"Do you want to ask if I am gay?" He interrupted. I fixed my eyes on him. He giggled sarcastically, like a mock. "Most people, even my friends, think I'm gay. But I don't think so... well, I don't know myself". He sighed. "I have felt in love just once, his name was Alexander. We were friends since secondary school. In high school, our relationship changed and started to go out. We never were officially together though. He even slept with other guys, but I said nothing because I loved him too much and didn't dare to lose him. We stayed like that for 5 years. Crazy, isn't it?" He looked at his hands, his eyes lost. "Alex always said that he loved me but I don't think we had the same definition of love. He was amazing in so many ways... he was good in everything he did. But he was extremely bold and often got into trouble. He committed suicide four years ago, I didn't know he had depression and I still feel kinda guilty about that. He never showed any sign or said anything that could make you think he wanted to die. But I should have known..." He sighed heavily and started to play with one of his rings. I kept the same posture, fearing he would stop talking if I moved. "Anyway, that's the only time that I have been in love. I don't even know why I'm talking about him at this point", he laughed softly and pulled his hair back. "Being with anyone, a man or a woman, it's just for fun. And it's funny because I have always been in love with the idea of falling in love since I was around twelve. Myself from that time would be really disappointed". He rubbed the back of his neck and turned to me. "Why are you crying?", he looked surprised.

"I'm sorry". I tried to whip my tears with the back of my hands but they didn't stop. I kneeled on the bed next to him and hugged him as tight as I could. "Don't neglect your feelings; you can talk to me anytime. I won't say anything". I was brokenhearted. I had never seen someone talking with so much sadness in his eyes. He must have been holding on for so so long...

"I'm ok. Don't cry". He hugged me back and rubbed my shoulders.

"I'm sorry". He giggled.

"It's alright". I felt the weight of his head on my left shoulder, he was resting on it. "Thank you".

"I love you". I let those words slip between my lips without thinking, and I couldn't blame the alcohol this time.

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