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Here's a big thank you to every single one of you who've been with me through this life journey I'll like to call it. I haven't been the best writer and i'm low-key ashamed of that. Most of you did loose interest in this book because of my life-time updates, yes blame me. It's my fault even though I was in my final year of high school and I had lots of external exams coming in and when I was done with my exams which was around August, I might have decided to take a break from writing for a while.

I literally started this book as a joke around December 18, 2019( that's when I wrote the prologue). I was just 14 then when I started having the ideas of a storyline (please I didn't even know what a storyline meant as at then) but I wasn't quite good with my grammer then but as at early 2020 during the lockdown/quarantine I started writing again even till 2021, I swear I never expected this book to be this lengthy up till chapter 55 or even more and originally, I planned to have just 18 chapters but I guess as a writer you can never really predict how long or how short your story is going to be, because as soon as you put your mind into your storyline more scenes and dramas and suspense would keep coming and who are writers to stop their readers from having a good time?

I didn't plan most of the scenes of this book and I don't regret writing them either because it got me to even know more about my characters and their development. I won't lie, I really love this book, and it's officially my first brain-child.

But I actually find the first fifteen chapters really cringe, maybe because my writing style started changing but every chapter is going to go through thorough editing and I really wish I'd be able to publish it as a hard copy and eventually launch it to the world.

Most of you might wonder why the book literally ended in suspense and if there's gonna be a sequel, sadly I'm not gonna be writing a sequel mainly because i'm a little bit tired of the storyline and also the sequel would be super long and I don't really think I'll want to go into that.

Yes, as at last year I planned for a sequel but I had several new stories and storylines coming up and I honestly got tired of writing about the Sanders but right now I'm currently working on a new book.


Originally, I wanted Kaylan and Nick to end up together after her graduation and they'll start college together before she meets Parker Stewart, and Cassie would still be on the run from the over-lord, Nate but she would eventually be found by him and they'll build up another love story.

This was how it would have been alongside the sequel, but when I made up my mind of not writing a sequel, I decided to let all characters find peace mostly Cassie.

Cassandra Evans ought to have had her own story based on her being a survivor and she was supposed to have Nate's daughter too but i'm truly sorry I couldn't give y'all that. That's why it was better she was getting protection from someone more powerful than Nate and moreover she was out of the country at-least her safety is a hundred percent guaranteed.

Kaylan Evans was having the life she'd always wanted and some might say did Nick have to show up? Yes, he did have to show up (remember it's their love story). This is to forever keep the thrill on and for y'all to decide Kaylan's choice.

Parker Stewart was a character I made up for the finals, he was to make an appearance in the sequel but since there's not gonna be one I felt y'all just had to meet him in the epilogue.

Kaylan's new book, 'That Life You Want', y'all shouldn't get confused, Kate and Noah and Cece is a representation of Kaylan and Nick and Cassie.

Liz Sanders originally is the book's villain but she's been hiding in the shadows the whole time, manipulating everyone to do her biddings and making Cassie take the fall of being the evil one. She murdered Nate and Nick's parents and if there was to be a sequel, she had plans on murdering Nate himself because of her plans on becoming the first female over-lord of the Sanders cult.

Nicole Juliet Sanders was a character I enjoyed writing. Her storyline was to be expanded in the cancelled-sequel like her ending up to be Cassie and Kaylan's half sister and her being bound by the curse to fall for the Sanders brothers and that's why she found herself deeply in-love with both brothers, Nate and Nick. Her father was to be Pastor Evans(Kaylan and Cassie's father) who had a drunken one night stand with a stranger unknown to him that it was Liz.

PS: Mr. Evans didn't have any idea he had a child outside. It all happened during his college play-boy era before he got married.

These were some of the few dramas i'd planned for book 2 but unfortunately...

All thanks to God for the grace and talent<3

Well, it's time to finally draw the curtains and here's a shout-out to all my silent readers, and friends who'd supported me all the way - love y'all, Ngozi, Bukky, Daisy, Nere, Fiyin, Tsemaye, Ofeoritse, Stephanie, Angel, Amabel, love y'all xx.

Have a blessed New Year.<3333




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