47. Prom Night (1)

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"But I don't want to love anyone".

Kaylan's Pov

Chelsea applied just the perfect moderate make-up on my face and perfectly styled my already mid-length dark hair.

Of course, I had cut my waist length curly hair, not for any major reason though but just the idea of a new me!

And Chelsea is my make-up artist for tonight and I'll say that she good.

"Everyone would be taking a second glance at you even the gay dudes, like you're so pretty! How could you do this to me?". Chelsea flattered.

I never wore make-up often because I'd learnt to flaunt my natural beauty more and I'm not trying to brag but God took his special time creating me! With the pointed nose, the hot chocolate eyes, the perfectly curved lips, and yes, the flawless white skin with that model's body!

I should be on the run-way now!

Found anyone pretty as me yet? Then it got to be illegal!

"You'd never stop flattering me, would you?". I say to her after praising and admiring myself for the past 20 seconds.

"Why would I? If only Nick could see you right now".

That name sent a quick shiver through my body, and I still wondered how it could still be.

It's been two whole months now since he ghosted me and I've learnt to respect the dead.

"I hope he doesn't because he'll loose his mind seeing me in my prom dress". I looked over at my prom dress which hung perfectly on the wardrobe.

"It's obvious that your mom has a real good taste of teenage fashion, doing all the shopping". Chelsea remarked.

"Of course, you know". I smiled.

I've waited for this night in particular since 7th grade.

I could still clearly remember when Chelsea, Anna, Abigail, Stacy and I planned on having our first dance and loosing our V-card on prom night but we all happened to already loose it before...


"It's definitely Stacy, Anna and Abby. I got a text from them".

"My mom would answer the door and let them in. She's downstairs". I told her. I haven't left the dressing room since Chelsea arrived.

It was less than five minutes before Stacy, Anna and Abby appeared in the dressing room.

"We're so sorry for coming so late". Anna apologized.

"Traffic is a bitch!". Stacy cursed.

"Wait a sec, y'all ain't even on your prom gowns already?". Abigail exclaimed as she referred to both Chelsea and I.

I had to admit that my Bestfriends were looking so gorgeous and Stacy mostly was rocking Prom Queen Vibes in her red gown.

"We were just about putting our dresses on before y'all came". Chelsea, yes was a good liar.

I smiled as I grabbed my prom dress and started putting it on with the help of Stacy who was for sure taking good shots of my body with her eyes.

I like girls that like girls actually!

"Julian just texted me why I have to be late for everything in my life". Chelsea said loudly, as she waited for us to tell her what to reply.

Julian's name made me quiver!

"Tell him we're on our way that traffic is being a bitch again". Stacy suggested.

"Or tell him we're still looking for a date for Kaylan". Abigail said carelessly.

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