4. Break that Shit

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"Admit, Kay you're in love with him". Cassie says pushing in a conversation.

"I'm not in love with Nick, for crying out loud".

"See, I didn't even mention a name". Cassie says with a smile.

"Gosh 🤦, Cassie I hate you". I say with my hands in my forehead.

"Remember what I told you".

"I remember".

"I know he will be seductive but try to break that shit".


I had finished narrating all the events of last night to Cassie and she didn't even praise Nick for saving me.

"So now you tryna say Nick Sanders is your hero?". Cassie's voice had a bit of frustration.

"Certainly, that's what am going to say". I give her a smile.

"I won't call him that if I were you!". Cassie says bluntly.

"So what would you call him?"

"A stalker, of course". Cassie says with a harsh tone.

"A stalker?". I ask to be sure I heard correctly.

"How on Earth would he have known the perfect time to come and save you?, you said he was making out with Stacy when you last saw him so how would he appear out of the blues". Cassie questions.

"You are clearly overthinking, Cassie".

"I'm not, you are the one under thinking". Cassie fires back.

"You are saying this because you don't like him".

" I will be careful if I were you, because before someone starts stalking you, he needs something from you. Be wise". Cassie said.

"Cassie, just give me a reason you hate the Sanders and I will be careful".

"Honey, I would have told you but I don't just like bad memories". Cassie says leaving me speechless before walking away into the bathroom.


This Saturday was really boring, she had no phone to use only her laptop and she logged in to the CrestVille High Gossips were she saw the latest news about the attack on Friday. It was a robbery attack and a heirloom had been stolen which worth a fortune from the Ford's house.

"Kay, it seems you're busy". My mum said heading to where I sitted in the dining table.

"No, not at all". I tell her with my eyes on the screen.

"Did you hear about the robbery attack of the Fords, on Friday night?". She asked.

"That's what am reading here, how did you know?". I ask

"Well, it's everywhere and it happened on the Friday night party at the Ford's mansion which Julian hosted". Mum says with her eyes on her tea.

"Yeah, it's true"

"Thank God, you didn't go for the night party". Mum says cheerful.

I had to smile at her, and I wanted her to drop the topic before the door bell rang. "Are you expecting anyone?". I ask.

"Um, no maybe it's the neighbor, I will go get it". Mum says and walks over to the door and my eyes fall back to the screen.

"Kaylan, a Nick wants to see you". My mum shouted.

"What!" I exclaimed and I choked even when nothing was in my mouth, what the hell was Nick thinking coming to my house and meeting my mum first. Damn, I walk over to the door, to see the most beautiful face I'd ever seen in my life; Nick Sanders what are you doing to me.

" I will excuse you guys!". Mum said before going back inside the house, slamming the door on us. Leaving me and Nick in the porch.

"Hey". Nick broke the silence.

" What the hell were you thinking". I tell him plainly.

"I used this as an opportunity to see your beautiful face". He says.

" How did you sweet talk my mum?!". I asked.

"I got charms, you know".

" I guess you do voo-doo". I say with a smile and he smiles back.

"Here's your phone". He pulls his hand out of his pocket and stretches it out to me.

"Thanks". I take my phone and slide it into my pockets.

"I gotta be going now". He turns and starts walking.

"Wait!, your jacket is with me, I wanna give you back". I tell him.

"I really got to be going now".

"Don't use that as an excuse to come tomorrow, cause my dad would be around".

"Ok, fine".


"I promise". He crosses his heart.

"Till on Monday, then".

"Sure sweetie". He walks down the stairs.


He turns and gives me the sexiest looked ever and walks away, I enter the house and my mum eyes were on the TV screen and she was drinking tea, I pass her.

"So who is that boy?". She asks.

" The new boy I told you about". I tell her.


"Nick Sanders".

"Sanders?". Mum repeats.

"Yeah, you know them?".

"Honey, they are bad news to this town". She says.

"Really, how?". I asked further.

" That's all I can say but I can give you an advice".


"Stay far away from him".


Authors Note

Finally I updated it
I'm so sorry for those who have been waiting but I promise you won't regret this cause there's more drama ahead and passionate scenes you'd die for.

Don't forget to vote.

Love all my readers.

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