CHAPTER 8: Prepare yourself for the Arrival!

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Zufmuut the God of Light and Order sat on his heavenly throne. Thinking about Hardy new prank as he called it. It was bad enough she opened one Gate. The individuals who came through that was bad enough. Their presence completely threw out the balance of the world on the window. He and his fellow gods in the Heaven thought about that they may have to intervene themselves seeing how the newcomers easily annihilate every resistance and armies what the Empire send against them.

It is really worried him and his fellow gods. The state and the numerous death really worried him. The newcomers brought instability and chaos to the world. What may a few from his fellow gods savor... For example, Hardy or Emroy. But not him who in nature sought to keep up the balance between things.

It was bad enough as it. Of course, the soldiers in the green suit built interesting things and sought peace what he liked. After all, It was his nature.

But the other invaders... Hardy went too far this time opening the second Gate wanting more amusement. The second Gate to a World with vengeful Gods whose may their direct intervention could not stop.

He saw their soldiers. Undead, Demons, strange black armored creatures what strangely emitted Darkness deeper than the deepest void of Emroy himself and calming light what almost blinded even him. The God of Light and Order.

Under his long life, he never saw such forces amassed. Each of those Undead and black armored creatures was comparable to their apostle. In strength, speed and fighting prowess. Their weapons seemingly slowed the regeneration even of the apostles. This is bad... The only thing what slow an apostle regeneration if the attack directly aimed towards the apostle soul.

And these creatures were only foot soldiers. According to La and Elange. The Twin gods of Study and Knowledge. Their magic based entirely differed foundation from the magic what can be found in their world and even able to shut the gods out completely in a specified area.

Neither he and his fellow gods can't breach those annoying wards and learn about the newly arrived forces. If they are capable of excluding them from spying after them. What stops them to invade the heavenly realm of the gods and simply kill them? The only information what they have about them was through the observation of the battle of Italica, the gate and the three of their servants who traveled with those two strange adventurers.

He and his fellow ascended being inspected those two and sensed their aura and power. They came to a conclusion. The strange silent black warrior whose presence resembled Emroy without the added craziness and his companion that crazy dark elf woman who in nature and presence resembled both to Emroy and Hardy. Yet, sometimes he felt the similar presence as his own. However, he and the others only felt traces of energies in them. Like they hiding something under a facade. It was quite strange feeling his crazy brother and his own presence in one person. It was just utterly crazy.

What frightened him. The presence what that goddess emitted was way surpassed his own and every other god in the heavens and the underworld. Then she simply disappeared one moment to another. Like she was never here.

Then that, Prince appeared from the other world. They watched him seeking to understand. But when he turned his gaze towards him. Tried to spy after him... The dread seized him. The impossible happened. The black warrior who sat beside the foreign Prince turned his gaze towards him and shook his head slightly. Then he felt a dark presence than never before as something started to push him out from the room and his divine eyes what never let him down. Slowly started to crack then shatter. Leaving him blind for the time being.

Seemingly some kind of presence, no... some sort of unknown anti-divination magic activated when he and his fellow gods tried to spy in the dinner after the foreign Prince who emitted dark divine presence similar to theirs but a little bit weaker, he was sure about the fact he is a lesser god himself. He was not sure of course because something blocked his sense when he tried to inspect him closer so he can't say anything for sure.

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