CHAPTER 3: Just Some Exploring and Administration

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Two weeks before the expedition force arrived in the Special Region.

Legate Octavionaus' eyes popped open.

What came into his vision was a strange ceiling. It was made with stone and had white glowing objects embedded in it. He tried to look around to understand how he got there but realized his head wouldn't move at all. Then he remembered what happened before everything went blank. "Those monsters..." he gulped as he thought about this.

He tried to move his limbs and his head. It was not just his head, but he couldn't move his entire body. It was as if something was tied around his wrists, ankles, waist, and chest.

This incomprehensible situation filled him with fear, and he wanted to scream, but something was stuck in his mouth, so he could neither speak nor close his mouth fully.

When he desperately tried to look around by straining his eyes, a voice spoke.

"Oh my, you're awake now? The others have not awakened yet. But don't worry, they will be awakening when their time comes."

The creature had a guttural voice. It was hard to tell whether the voice belonged to a man or a woman.

It had the body of a human, but the head of a deformed octopus. The six long, squirming tentacles attached to its head extended all the way down to its thighs.

The thing that appeared in his unmoving sight was a disgusting monster.

The skin color was milky white, like the waxy flesh of someone who had drowned. On the bloated, corpse-like body was clothing made with black leather which barely covered anything. The cloth wrapped tightly around its body, like butcher's twine tying up a piece of meat, and it could be described as nothing but grotesque. If a beauty had worn it, it would have been attractive, but on a monster like this, it was nauseating.

On each hand were four webbed fingers. It had long fingernails, with strange and bizarre nail art on them.

Then he heard another voice. But it was clearly a female one.

The other female snickered as she walked into his field of vision. The legate clearly saw who it was. She was a woman around twenty years old, with short blonde hair and delicate features, vertically split red pupils, two cat ears on the top of her head and a tail that sprouted from the upper part of her butt. Her armor was a revealing top with a short battle skirt and two black feathered angel wings sprouted out from her back.

"~Kukuku. Nya. Has our guest finally awakened, Nya? ~"

"As you say Clementine-chan. Our guest has finally woken up." Answered the abomination.

This strange heteromorphic being turned its pupil-less white, blue eyes on him. "Fufufu, did you sleep well?"

"Hff, hff, hff hff." The Legate could not answer because of the mouth lock in his mouth.

Fear and panic welled up within him. Gripped by those two emotions, he could only let out a harsh breathing noise. The monster touched his cheek softly like a mother trying to calm a scared child. But the cold and mushy feelings of the hand sent chills all over his body.

It would have made perfect sense if the pungent smell of blood or rotten flesh had wafted over, but the creature smelled like fragrant flowers. This only amplified his fear.

"My, to think it'd shrink this much. There's no need to be scared."

Clementine sat on his groin and leaned above him. "~Nya. You smell delicious. I don't even know what to do with you first. Play with you or simply torture you until you lose your mind. The last is more tempting by the way. Nya.~"

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