CHAPTER 1: Invading Force? What a joke!

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It was a bright day in the capital city of the Sorcerous Kingdom of Nazarick. Everyone in this country was performing their daily routine just like any other day in their life. However, all that activity was suddenly put on halt as a strange construction with an archaic design appeared out of nowhere. The people of the capital stood stunned for a moment upon noticing the unusual structure.

The structure was massive. It was 40 meters tall and 20 meters wide, quite a strange sight to see for the people of the sorcerer kingdom. However, the people soon realized that this maybe was one of the miracles made by their ruler and master. For the people of this kingdom are ruled by a wise king named Ainz Ooal Gown, the ruler of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. And under his leadership, the people never truly suffered any sort of shortage of daily needs due to their king's revolutionary ideas and foresight during his 200 years reigning as their Lord.

The people of the Sorcerous Kingdom saw many miracles performed by their wise King or, as many of them called him, the 'God of Death', but the people of the Sorcerous Kingdom had never seen such a thing like this that suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the main square of the capital of the Sorcerous Kingdom. All of them thought it was simply another miracle that their Wise King had manifested for them. So no one was afraid seeing a strange structure mysteriously appearing in the middle of the capital.

As they watched the strange Gate, the head of the Guards in that district emerged from the crowd after spotting the large, bizarre structure from afar.

"What the hell? Where did that large... gate... come from?" he yelled as he inspected the strange structure. As his men arrived, pushing their way through the crowd behind him, they asked, "What happened Captain? What is that strange edifice?"

He looked back to his men. "I don't know. But it is better to lock down the area and send a message to the mayor about it." He looked at the strange gate with a suspicious expression.

As he was inspecting the structure, all of them heard a screeching sound coming from the infinite darkness inside of the structure. From it, many Armored Wyvern-like creatures flew out. On top of them rode strangely armored men. Everyone's eyes widened in the main square. No one amongst them ever expected such things arriving from the structure.

Not long after the flying creatures and their riders, horses neighed and the sound of numerous metallic boots marching towards the light could be heard from the black tunnel. The first ones who appeared from the dark were armored men on their respective horses. All of them wore similar armor to that of the Wyvern riders from before, but slightly different.

To the captain, the foreign soldiers were strangely familiar. He had seen that armor somewhere, but he was not sure where. Maybe in one of the book's illustrations that he had read back then under his tutelage. After the Sorcerer King, Ainz Ooal Gown had established his Kingdom and conquered the known world, he introduced many reforms in his Kingdom. For example, free primary education for everyone, hospitals where real doctors and healers worked and a fully functioning sewer system.

Of course, the churches of the Six Great Gods had protested against this furiously, saying this was their job and that the Sorcerer King will destroy humanity one day.

But as time passed, their voice became quieter and quieter thanks to the pressure from the masses, until the church supporters became completely silent and some people founded the religion of the Forty-One. It worshiped the Forty-One Supreme Beings instead of the Six Great Gods. Of course, the religion that worshiped the Six Gods still existed. But their influence had become greatly diminished with the conquest of the Slane Theocracy and the death of its six head priests.

The leader of the small squad in the main square knew. This was not their wise king's newest conjuration. This was an invading force. As a proud soldier of the Sorcerous Kingdom, he must protect the civilians of the capital until the reinforcements arrived. He needed to buy some time for the civilians to escape. The captain commanded his soldiers to rally the nearby barracks, Death Knights, and Nephalem Guards and began to herd the crowd to a safe place.

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