14. I Crave You

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"I missed you. I crave you." Tywin declared as Katherine closed the door behind her. 

Now his stillness made sense. He's barely preventing himself from attacking her, consuming her. Her heartbeat picked up, and she could see well enough in the dark to note how his nose flared as he inhaled her scent. 

"I want you." Katherine agreed.

"You want me." He repeated. "I want you."

 "Yes." It's hardly more than a sigh as the words left her. One blink Tywin was a few feet away, and the next he was on her, still getting used to his strength. his speed. He still managed to control their fall so she didnt bash her head on the floor as his body collided with her. 

When he surged forward and bit her neck. 

"Fuck!" her curse turned into a breathy moan. Bekka and her had spoke of this before but Katherine hadnt ever experienced it like this. She knew to expect this, but being told of the pleasure of a vampire's bite did nothing to translate how good it felt as his hands roamed her body.

 It was as if every pull of his mouth was connected directly to her clit, pulsing through her body and pulling him closer. 

She arched against him, reaching up to pull him closer to  her. One of his hands was in her hair, using the leverage to keep her neck open to him, and the other snaked around to press against the small of her back, urging her closer to him still.

 As if she wasn't already straining against him. She had the distant horrified thought what if he doesn't stop.

 "Wait..." Katherine breathed out.

"I'm sorry." he murmured. He felt his words vibrating more than hear his murmured words. His tongue stroked her neck and then he moved to the other side. 

"I can't stop." He bit her again and she whimpered. The only thing in her mind was Fuck, that feels good. 

Her dress was tangled up around her hips and she wrapped her legs around his waist, arching closer. She could feel every inch of him as her head tipped back and evidence of his bite was already hardening against her. He rolled his hips and growls against her skin, but he kept his hands rooted in place.  He doesn't touch her like she was desperate for him to do.

 "More," Katherine moaned out. He gave a hard pull to her neck and she slid her hands down his back to his ass, holding him close as she rolled her hips, grinding herself on his hard cock. SHe needed to come she worked herself against him, as reached for his panted but it would mean stopping this delicious friction against her clit.

He kissed instead of bit at her neck and chest, the subtle pressure of his fingertips against the small of her back urged her. Pleasure washed through her, tighter and tighter, and for one breathless moment, and her orgasm hit her even harder than ever and she came more intensely than she ever have before, crying and panting.

She slumped back to the cold floor, her head felt fuzzy and too light. But his hands kept going pulling at his pants. 

"You took too much," she murmured, her words coming as slowly as a tortious. His tongue stroked her neck and he growled pushing into her And katherine was withering. She found her strength as they pushed around the room, a blur of banging into the walls and the bed, breaking things in their path as their bodies collided, screams and moans bouncing around them.

'' Wow you really were holding back,'' tywin acknowledged. Katherines nails dug into his back the scratches healing the moment her nails dragged away. He felt like he was 20 again the power and strength the adrenaline the rush. Her legs wrapped around him as her lips latched onto him he moved to quick not knowing his own speed her back collided with the wall but she didnt stop she held onto him tighter.

''Did i hurt you?'' Tywin questioned

''No.'' Katherine assured

''Does it always feel like this?'' Tywin questioned

''With you? Of course,'' katherine told him curling into him as they collapsed on the bed.

''Oh my Gods...'' she whimpered pulling him to her.

''Was that- are you alright?'' Tywin licked at his lips.

''Fantastic.'' Katherine assured. 

''I feel great,'' he told her ''like really great. This is wow.''

''I know,'' katherine agreed

''I'm hungry.'' Tywin realized. Katherine chuckled kissing him again.

''I was starving after everything too.'' Katherine informed him. ''I will get you someone to drink.'' Katherine said kissing him before running out. She was back within an instant still gloriously naked in front of him but a man looking dazed and confused stood in their room.

''Dont make a sound.'' Katherine told him and she tipped his head to the side. ''Dig in my love,'' he felt his face change as he got up his tongue ran over the sharp teeth pulling free from his gums. ''Go on,'' katherine urged. ''Have a bite.''

Tywin sunk his teeth into the man but he didnt flinch didnt move at all and was completely silent. Katherine watched as he pulled away licking the blood from his lips.

''Good?'' Katherine questioned and tywin nodded. She took her own bite feeling herself coming back to life again before she licked the blood from the servants neck before looking him in the eyes. ''You were never here you never saw us.'' Katherine told him and ushered him out the door. 

Craving // Tywin Lannister (2)Where stories live. Discover now