22. I Need Her

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'Why Daenerys? Why is she worth all this?" Tyrion asked they walked along the plains above the cliff overlooking the sea. When Jorah didn't answer Tyrion continued, "As I recall, the Mormont's fought against the Targaryen's during Robert's Rebellion."

"Do you believe in anything?" Jorah asked.

"I believe in a lot of things." Tyrion answered his very vague question with a vague answer.

"Something greater than ourselves I mean. The Gods, destiny? Do you believe there's a plan for this world?" Jorah asked.

"No." Tyrion admitted.

"Neither did I. I was a cynic. Just like you. Then I saw a girl step into a great fire with three stone eggs. When the fire burnt out I thought I'd find her blackened bones, instead I saw her. Daenerys, alive and unhurt holding her baby dragons. You ever heard baby dragons singing?" Jorah said. Tyrion shook his head.

'They sing?" Tyrion questioned.

"It's hard to be a cynic after that." Jorah said as he kept walking.

"That doesn't mean she's going to be a great queen." Tyrion informed him.

"No it doesn't mean she will be a good queen." Jorah agreed.

"The Targaryen's are famous for the insane. What if she conquers the world, then what? A thousand years of peace and prosperity?" Tyrion asked as they continued walking.

"First we have to conquer the world." Jorah said.

"We?" Tyrion asked, eyebrow raised. "Alright, lets assume your dreams come true. She's ecstatic when you bring her this enemy dwarf. She hacks off my head, restores you to your position" Tyrion stated. Jorah stopped walking before pushing Tyrion out of sight.

"What is it?" Tyrion asked Jorah in alarm.

"It's a slave ship." Jorah answered.

"Why are they anchored?" Tyrion asked.

"They probably can ashore for-" Jorah began

"Water." Another voice answered. They turned and saw a group of men drawing their swords and menacingly walked towards them, smirks of victory on their faces. Jorah clenched his jaw as he looked down at Tyrion.

"Mother if you can hear me," Tyrion whispered. "I'm scared."


"Your fucking father." Katherine hissed. 

"Yep." Beka agreed. 

"Yep? Thats all you have to say?" Katherine countered. 

"We were having a bit of a problem on our hands." Beka reminded her. 

"And me being tormented for who knows how long? My daughter beings stripped and forced to walk back to her home while being belittled and humiliated, they threw dung and rocks at her. Where were you! Where is Tywin!" Katherine demanded. 

'Is there no other way?'

'You're afraid for her.' the high sparrow questioned

'of course I'm afraid for her.' Tommen said annoyed 'it just seems very dangerous.'

'She'll be protected the entire way. the Faith militant are very stern with those to overstep their bounds. And queen Margaery isn't your mother I suspect the gods were predisposed the common people to gentleness on her behalf she's truly opened her heart to them.'

'She's always been very devoted to the poor and unfortunate.' Tommen agreed.

'And now she's devoted to the gods as well.' the sparrow told him as they walked through the septa 'would you like to see her?'

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