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There was something strange about everything in my life. I deal with many annoying things and troublesome things, but life goes on. As someone who is constantly feeling drained, I somehow find the energy to keep going.

However, there was one aspect of my life that made me a bit petty. You see, my dear "friend" across the Dover seems to be getting on well. Despite ignoring my calls and letters, he doesn't seem to care. In fact, HE is doing just fine. FINE!

Everyone all over the world loves Mr. England right now. Not me! I do not love that idiot! It felt as if he was rubbing in his success...


I suppose I would be lying to say I didn't love him.

His pop culture was adored by everyone. The Beatles, The Kinks, The Rolling Stones, Fashion! Music, Clothes, politics! All of it was booming, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't jealous.

Shifts in law, politics, and media reflected a new individualism and a growing appetite to live in a more liberal 'permissive society', which was all well and good because he managed to pass a few interesting laws. Including legalizing sexual gay acts, as long as it was in the privacy of your home, and both parties consented. As much as the thought made me a bit excited, it wasn't like Arthur only did it because he wanted to sleep around.

That would be ridiculous!

He doesn't know enough people to sleep around. I mean, he can barely get the courage to tell me how he feels.

Yes...I know...

I know everything...

Also, because Matthew spilled the beans the day I told Arthur to leave me alone. He promised me not to tell Arthur I knew, but I knew. And goodness me...it was juicy.

I was going to get him to tell me how he felt. I was going to do it! This guy, he thinks he could be the best at everything and just avoid me? Well, he has another thing coming!

He was mocking me; I knew he was.

Admittedly, I knew I was a bit at fault. The last time he talked to me was a little after I asked him to marry me, and he rejected ME! He was serious; he really didn't want to see me again.

To be fair, I didn't mean to be insensitive about it. My boss was pushing for us to get married. However, I expected the answer I received. I had dealt with my feelings toward him for a long time, and now, I wanted to shove them up his ass!

Not in a sexual way...

In an aggressive way.

Either way, I have different plans in store for him. I was going to see him eventually, and once I did, I would whack him upside the head for avoiding me. If I remember correctly, Alfred and Matthew told me that his being away from me during the Second World War was hard on him. Now, he is gone from me again, by choice! That idiot! I want to strangle him.

He was lucky that I had been too distracted to go over and find him.

There were so many cool things around now. Another good thing about the new fashion was bell bottoms. Arthur did a great job making those, and I wondered how they looked on him. I wondered if he wore all the trendy fashion. I wondered if he'd like to see me in any of his fashions.

I was sitting in my home alone at the moment. However, I will be leaving very soon. Alfred invited me out for drinks at a pub, so naturally, I accepted. He was visiting France for the summer, and I was ecstatic. He was bringing Matthew along too, and I had been anxious all day. I missed them terribly, and I was excited to catch up.

Not only was pop culture booming in England, but it was booming in America as well. Alright, he was suffering through this odd war with Russia; he was actively fighting in the Vietnam war. I've been seeing his people protest against it, and I'm cheering him on.

From the sidelines...

I don't want to get involved in anything, and if I did, England would surely get involved. So I was staying out of it. I have been doing my best to ignore my feelings for him. I know I say I hate him or don't love him to myself a lot, but I did. I loved him dearly.

I'd like for him to confess to me first. This was now a competition I was refusing to lose. I needed to hear those three little words. "I love you," that's all it took. Unless he wanted to be romantic and throw all his feelings at me, I would not be against any of that.

Arthur really was different from all the other nations we knew. He wasn't afraid to be honest. Even if he didn't want to be wrong, he would find his own way to make sure he wasn't the next time.

I have loved him for a long time; that is a fact. I am sure that if it were possible for me to die, I would die loving him. We argued a lot, hated each other many times, cared for each other, became friends, and shared romantic gestures. There was more to our relationship than what the history books will say.

Arthur and I are written as if we hate and despise each other. Although we found each other annoying, there was more to it than that. I believe that to be the case. He was my other half, a soulmate, if you will.

Now, years pass, and I still want to punch him, but it is with all the love in my heart. He was irritating, but I knew he truly was the only one for me. We have been around each other since our beginnings, and I don't want any of that to stop.

Our life is a cruel joke, and all we can do is try and find happiness within it. I wasn't going to confess first, because I believe it was his turn to finally say how he felt. That, and I'd rather die than be the one to confess first. I would not hear the end of it. The constant mockery...but then the heartfelt love in acceptance. He may have been absent in my life as of late, but I know deep down his feelings won't go away overnight. I was determined for him to confess to me. I'll flirt, tease, and do all types of things to make him give in.

Love is a game, after all, and I feel like the winner.

That...and well, it might be easier to get away with certain things. It is the sixties, after all, and everyone is having a sexual awakening. It was his turn now.

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