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"The drinks!" I chirped.  I quickly placed our wine on the side table and stirred mine nervously. That was way too close! We had almost kissed. That means he was actively trying to flirt! And if that was happening, either two things were happening. He likes me or was trying to mess with me. No in-between!

I might feel like he was trying to mess with me because of  Portugal. I mean, he even said he was kind of seeing someone. It was the only explanation I could think of to calm myself down. "Wow, the boys are taking long," I laughed.

"Yeah, I suppose so!" He spoke. It was a bit aggressive, but I ignored it. I should say something! Maybe try something romantic? Or no? Maybe that's a bad idea? No! I should say something nice!

I looked at him, at his clothes.

I could compliment him.


"I've been really tryin', baby!"

This familiar song began playing out of nowhere, and I felt my face getting hot. Both of our widened, and I quickly moved away from him.


"What the?" Arthur spoke, looking around. I looked around, too, standing up. "I swear! That was not me! Maybe I can...I can turn it off!" He looked at me concerned, and I began to look around aggressively as that song continued to play. "Francis? Are you okay?" Arthur asked. I wanted to hit my forehead from frustration.


He approached me, and I began to fan myself as I stared at him. "Yes! Of course!" I spoke. I wasn't okay! I was a nervous wreck right now. "I think Alfred keeps his stereo on the top floor! Maybe it malfunctioned or something," Arthur added. I nodded at what he said, and he gestured for me to follow him. I felt defeated and ridiculous for making it so obvious that I was nervous around him.

"So, how long do you plan to stay in America?"

"Ah, only till after the world meeting, and then I'll return home," I answered. Arthur smiled at me, and we slowly ascended the stairs. The music was still playing in the back.

"And you?" I asked. He smiled at but and shrugged. "Pretty much when you leave, too," he answered. My heart was racing to no end. I didn't know what to do with myself. "Well, I'm sure you and your 'friend' could go back together," I added, still trying to get information from him.

"Ah, you must mean Portugal...I figured you would connect the dots. However, it isn't serious. Well, it isn't as serious as it could get. That type of relationship isn't for people like us. Besides, we only mess around," he clarified. I didn't know if that made me sad or highly jealous. "Ah! Of course," I coughed.

Damn Portugal!

"Which room have you been staying in?"

"Ah, it's down that way."

I pointed to the other hallway, and he randomly opened rooms. I wouldn't know where Alfred kept technology like that. He was way better at working with stuff like that than I was.

Arthur began opening random doors, and I followed behind him. "I doubt any of these rooms would have it. Maybe it's in the ceiling or something?" I suggested. He must have had speakers somewhere. "Oh, well, he has a bunch of rooms; I'm sure that it has to be here somewhere—"

Arthur paused as he opened a room. He looked horrified, and I lifted a brow. "What is it?" I asked. I rushed from behind him, taking a peek inside, and I wanted to crawl into a ball and hide.

The room had a singular bed that had begun spinning. The music was louder, and the lights had turned to a deep red. There were rose petals that led from the floor to the bed, and there were condoms thrown everywhere. "I...I swear I didn't do that!" I tried to defend myself before he thought I was the one trying to mess with him.

"Francis? Why so defensive? It makes it seem like you intended this to happen!"


He looked at me with a tilted head and a smirk. "This! I would never do this for someone! You know me better!" I tried to defend. Okay...that was a bit of a lie, but this was too extreme to be me. "Francis? Are you lying?" He asked. He had started backing me into the room, and I held my hands up in defense.

"I swear! I would never! Especially for you! I mean... I'm not saying I wouldn't do something like this for you—I mean, you would deserve it...BUT! I mean, this is different! Right now! We are! WE ARE DIFFERENT! You hate me!" I tried to defend myself. He continued backing me toward the wall, and I was flustered. I didn't know what to do! He thinks it was me!

He placed his hands on my shoulders with a smirk, soon starting to laugh. "Oh, come now! I'm only pulling at your panties! I know well that you didn't do this. No need to get freaked out. However, this raises many questions I want to ignore for the rest of my life," he laughed.

I breathed out, relieved momentarily, and watched as he looked around. "Oh, maybe this is it?" He wondered. He pulled the stereos plug, and the lights and music immediately turned off in the room. "That's much better," he laughed.

I nodded in acceptance, and suddenly everything began to click. Alfred and Matthew leaving for so long, him and I being alone, us being invited to dance, then the music, and the bed. I have a feeling those idiots were trying to get us to make up! Those assholes! I don't do well under pressure, and I told them not to worry about it!

Although it is impressive that they were manipulating everything but damn! I nearly died right now from my heart beating quickly. "Hey, how about we go for a walk?" I suggested. He looked at me with a soft expression, and I smiled. "A walk? Hmmm? Do you have something better than the bed?" He teased. I laughed at what he said, shaking my head. "Hardly; I realize it would be hard to beat your high expectations," I laughed.

He chuckled at what I said, nudging me. "Alright, but only for a bit," he smiled. He was smiling, his sweet smile. I adored it to no end and was starting to cherish it again.

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