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I hadn't seen him since. I continuously avoided going to world meetings. However, I was sent a few death threats this time. Alfred said he was going to drag me out of my home if I didn't come. It was because the world meeting was being held at his place. More specifically, San Francisco, California. I've never been, so it was nice to be somewhere new for once.

Alfred invited me over to his place a month before the meeting to sightsee, so that's why I am here. It was a long way away, but it saved me the time to travel later, and I could spend time with the boys.

I was waiting at the airport for Alfred. He said that he and Matthew would come and get me. They had hardly seen me in the past few years, so I didn't mind seeing them. I wasn't one hundred percent sure if Mr. England was coming, but I figured I wouldn't pay him any attention.

I could hear honking as I looked off, annoyed. I knew it was Alfred; he always did annoying stuff like that. He quickly pulled up to the curb, and I could see how  Matthew and Alfred wore sunglasses. They both looked at me simultaneously, pulling down their glasses slightly. Since they both needed to wear actual glasses, they wore oversized sunglasses so they could wear them over their own.

"Hey boys, the two of you are always together, huh?"

"Well, we are neighbors. We are thinking of moving in together anyway."

"Still thinking Alfred would decorate everything in his flag!"

"Well, I wouldn't want you to take up the whole fridge with your maple products."

"I said I could get my own if need be!"

I shook my head at them as I walked toward the car and got in. Much of the fashion and pop culture hasn't changed much. If anything, everything had increased. Things were more colorful and groovy. Dancing at discos was popular; women wore fewer clothes, and so did the men. Everything felt more accepting and free. We all had our problems, but everything was getting better.

Alfred was still in the Cold War, but the Vietnam war ended, and everyone celebrated in America. It was a time to rejoice and be grateful for your existence. Yet, I didn't feel that way at all.

I would be lying if I said I didn't think of England constantly. The last time we spoke was like this sad break-up I couldn't overcome. It was time for me to show my face to him. I couldn't be a coward any longer.

"Hey Francis, are you excited?"

"Yeah, should be fun," I spoke.

"Good! Because we are going to have a blast! It's been half a decade since you came to a world meeting! Do people bother you about it?" Alfred giggled. I watched as Matthew began to fix his hair through the mirror of Alfred's car. "Ah yes, mostly from Spain and Prussia, but I tell them they can see me whenever they like! They are just too lazy to take the trip," I laughed.

The boys chuckled at what I said, and Alfred continued to drive. I couldn't help but look out the window in amazement. "Say, this might be sudden, but would you want to go to a disco tonight? It would be fun!" He asked. I smiled at what he asked, nodding. I hear they are intense in America and England, but of course, I'd never been into one in THAT idiot's country.

"Sure, it could be fun..."

"Oh...one more thing..."


"Arthur will be there..."

My eyes widened at his words, and I immediately began hitting him. "Ow! Chill! He wanted to come, and he did not seem to care that you would be there!" He tried to defend. However, I had only begun pinching his arm. "Where did I go wrong with you? Why would he want to see me? I have been nothing but rude to him!"

"Dude! I am sorry! I didn't think it was a big deal! Didn't you say you wouldn't let it bother you the other day?" Alfred asked. I had stopped abusing him and sat back in my seat. "Well...Yeah...but I don't know...I don't want us fighting in front of you two."

"Trust me... Where we are going tonight, that won't happen."

I looked at him, confused, and he continued to drive. Alfred began to mess with the radio, and one of the songs by the Beatles began to play. It was as if the existence of England was taunting me. "Oh, are we going to Disco Frisco?" Matthew asked. Alfred nodded excitedly, and I could tell that Matthew was trying to hold in a laugh.

My sweet boy, I hope he never loses his sweet touch.

"They will love that one," he giggled. I smiled at them as they began to nudge each other. "Oh, Germany asked if I could host the meeting next year; it won't be so exciting, though; I can be a bit lame," Matthew laughed. He reached into his pocket, taking out a joint that was rolled up. "No! I doubt that! You can get everyone high! That would be fun!" Alfred laughed.

"Two of you are Pot heads," I laughed.

"Oh! Speaking of, You will be staying at my home. I wanted to clarify that before you tried getting a hotel. I swear, You and Arthur are the same," Alfred laughed. I shook my head at what he said, smiling. I suppose that does not surprise me. England and I were bound to have some things in common. Thinking about him again like this made me a bit sad.

The last time we talked, I did not get to tell him the truth that I was in love with him. I used to be in love with him. Now we hardly see each other, as if we are strangers. I suppose I would lie if I said I did not miss him. He was my favorite person at one point, and being away from him, even without arguing, was hard. Arguing ensured we still acknowledged each other, but now, we did not.

What I told him was...Mean...

I was being mean...

I could tell by the redness in his eyes that day.

Maybe it isn't too late to say sorry. Could I try and build that relationship again? Perhaps it wasn't too late. I know it is constantly contradicting me for changing my mind all the time, but I suppose I am still trying to understand myself. The marriage proposal ruined our relationship, and I wanted to blame him, not myself.

I claimed to love him once, but I honestly didn't. I believe that because anyone who loved someone would not hurt their feelings like that. People would not seek their downfall if they lost feelings for a person. Because I did seek his downfall, It must mean that I never truly loved him...and that is a hard realization I needed to deal with.

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