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In the early morning, there was a knock on the door, and I knew exactly who it was. My plan was perfect! My dear Arthur, I will throw your feelings in your face! None of that mushy stuff anymore! I will get you to confess and reject you! I will break your heart for once.

I fixed my hair a bit and quickly rushed for the door. If he doesn't have feelings for me anymore, then I will ensure he does again! I will flirt with him, do all types of things, and get him to regain those feelings. As if I could like a punk like him. This new Arthur wasn't cute at all.

"Hey!" I cheered, opening the door. As I did, I was a bit surprised. He wasn't wearing the clothes he was last night. "Your clothes, you aren't wearing a gimp suit anymore!"

"Shut up! You make it seem as if I was wearing tight clothes. I only wore jeans, a black shirt, and a leather jacket. I swear you are so dramatic!" He spoke. He shook his head, pushing himself through the doors. He was wearing normal clothes. He wore these blue Jean bell-bottom pants with two big pockets in the front. Like the ones I had. Arthur had this burnt orange button-up shirt with a large collar and a brown vest. His shirt was tucked in, held together by a belt. The brown belt he had on hugged his figure perfectly.

His hair wasn't spiky but relaxed and messy. However, the only thing left on him that gave hints he was a punk were his piercings. Honestly, why would he choose something that would cover his beautiful features? What a waste.

"Did you change your clothes because of me?"

"Don't be so vain! I have other clothes besides the ones I wore last night. Honestly, there are other styles I enjoy; you must be airheaded."

"Eh? Me? You are such a dick!"

"Ugh, did you invite me here to fight? I thought this was supposed to be a date?"

"I didn't say it was a date, but we can catch up!"

I positioned my arms in an X-way, signaling it was not a date. "Catch up? Ahh, if that's what you are calling it," he whispered. Once again, I found myself looking at him with a lifted eyebrow.

Arthur crossed his arms, swishing his hips side to side. "Well, entertain me; you invited me," he spoke. He had begun waving his hand back and forth, which infuriated me.

He began talking to me, but I drowned out his voice for some reason. Was all of this worth it? I was debating on if I should abandon my plan. However, I really wanted to laugh at his stupid face.

I felt my face squinting as I pursed my lips. Although I drowned out his voice, I watched his lips move. His body language was screaming arrogant. It looked like he was giving me attitude and lecturing me all at once.



"I didn't hear a word of that..."

We both stared at each other silently, and he squinted his eyes. "What?" He asked. All he could do was look at me, concerned, but I didn't know what to say. "In truth, it was because I could care less."

"Francis, I am thinking of a number between one and ten; your answer will influence my next move, so hopefully, you answer correctly!" Arthur began to crack his knuckles, and I looked at him, horrified. "Why does it have to be violence with you? Can't you be a normal person for five minutes?!"

"I am normal! And that wasn't the right answer!" He yelled. He used his hand to press on one of my pressure points and began to push me lower to the ground. "OW! That hurts you, Bastard!"

"You know what hurts? Having to deal with your attitude!"

"You are one to talk! STOP!"

Arthur then put me in a headlock, and I squirmed to get free. He was crazy! He has lost his mind! I'm not sure how, but he was crazy! "YOU INVITE ME HERE, AND YOU CANT EVEN SAY A NICE THING TO ME AFTER ALL THESE YEARS? It isn't my fault there is a strain on our relationship! Especially after you asked me to marry you! Do you realize how that made me feel?"

I stopped squirming and looked up at him. Was this it? I knew I was in the wrong for asking like that, especially having known how he felt about me, yet I still did it. However, now he was being honest with how it made him feel. "What? What are you trying to say?" I asked. He looked at me horrified and suddenly used his elbow to press at the crook of my neck.

"You piss me off! I am leaving! Let me know when you actually want to talk like a normal person!" He pushed me aside, and I held onto my neck. "Oh? Running away when it's convenient? I'm sorry, okay? I only did it because I was forced to. As if I'd want actually to marry you!" I defended myself.

I regretted saying the last part because he only began to glare at me. I was getting many mixed signals from him. I couldn't tell if he hated me or liked me. Arthur glared at me once me, kicking me in the stomach.


"Now I'm done. I forgive you; now, can we both get over ourselves? I want to have fun in France while I can," he spoke. He walked past me, and I stared at him in disbelief. Arthur plopped himself on one of my sofa seats in the living room with his arms crossed.

"Eh? What are you doing?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm waiting to be entertained! Or do I need to be the one who entertains you?" He asked. I began to stand up from the floor and looked at him, confused. "Well, what did you have in mind? I'm up for anything," I spoke. However, the smirk on his face made me regret asking.

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