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He was pulling at my hair, but I used one of my hands to pull my head back. "TAKE IT BACK!"


I was able to shove Arthur off me, and I noticed how people began to stare as they passed by. The two of us stood up, facing each other, and I held up my fists. Arthur did the same as me, and I glared. "Why are you this way?! You started it!" I yelled. He came up to me aggressively, shoving me back. "You started it!"

"How?!" I shoved him back.

"By being an idiot!"

Arthur tackled me into one of the hedges that surrounded his fence, and we bounced off it onto the ground. "WHY CAN'T YOU BE LESS STUPID? DO I NEED TO SPELL IT OUT FOR YOU?!" He shouted. I tried to cover my face as he grabbed a handful of soil, shoving it in my face.

It was gross as some of it got into my mouth. "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" I shouted. I grabbed onto his disgusting mullet, pulling his hair. I then used my hand to push up against his chin so he would let go of me. It worked for a moment, and I pushed him off me.

"YOU...ARE SUCH...A DICK!" I yelled. I climbed onto him, holding one of his wrists down, and I slapped him back and forth. "STOP!" He yelled.

I could see how people gathered around his home to watch us fight. Soon, many of his people began to chant, "fight!" Encouraging us to continue. I noticed how Arthur started to ball his hand into a fist, and I braced myself, seeing him swing.

Once the impact was completed, I fell off him and to the side, holding my cheek. I glared at him, seeing him breathe heavily. I wasn't going down without a fight! After everything he has put me through, I deserve to punch him a couple more times until he finally learns his lesson.

I used my leg to kick his side and pulled on the chain he had on his face. He winced from the pain, trying to escape, but I held him still for a moment. He had no right to be angry with me; I had been nothing but nice.

Well...somewhat...but he was playing with my feelings and did not realize it.

Once I saw blood, I stopped and pulled his hair.

He fell back, shocked momentarily, touching his face to feel where he was bleeding. "You are such an idiot! And a hypocrite! I won't take back what I said until you apologize for being ridiculous!"

"What are you talking about?! You are the ridiculous one!" Arthur yelled, kicking me in my chest. Arthur punched me in the face while I was down and grabbed one of the nearby stones, hitting me in the head. It hurt like hell, but obviously, it wasn't enough to kill me. He sat on my torso, holding the stone up again, debating whether to smash my head in. He was raging and having a tantrum because I did the same thing he was doing to me.

"Me?! You are the one that wanted to make up but still chose to be around HIM! How is that making up? Do you realize how that makes me feel? Hearing you tell me you want to make up and then continually throw me away?! IT SUCKS!" I yelled. His eyes widened at me, and he breathed out.

He scrunched up his face in disappointment, dropping the stone. He turned to the people still watching, and he looked angry. "BUGGER OFF!" He yelled at the people who chanted. Most of them groaned in sadness, leaving. He was silent until they left, but he looked down in defeat once they did. "I...I only did it because...I was scared of getting close to you..." he whispered.

I slowly sat up, him sitting on my lap and looking disappointedly down. "Huh? Why would it scare you?" I asked. I had a feeling I knew. I suppose he was just like me. Trying to figure out how we genuinely feel about each other. It was confusing and made us do stupid things. "I'm not sure...I just...figured it was best to keep some distance between us in case one of us had to fight the other again..."

I couldn't help but laugh at what he said. "Pfft...this isn't the Middle Ages. We haven't gone to war with each other in a long time, and I doubt we will go again. And...I don't think you went about it the right way..."

"And then...seeing you getting close to my brother...hurt my feelings..."

He looked at me sadly, and I watched how more blood began to run down his face. We were constantly hurting each other; it was inevitable. "Well, you hurt me too...being with Portugal...however, now I can tell you've fallen in love with him, and I won't be snarky about it," I laughed.

"I'm not in love with him...dumb ass," he laughed.

Once more, he sucked at communicating how he felt, and I'm still confused. "Hmm? You spend time with him a lot, have sex with him; it seems like you like him," I laughed. He shook his head at me and laughed again. "It's complicated...but I promise...I don't feel that way about him. He keeps me company, and well... it isn't the best explanation, but I hope you can trust me..."

I don't think I do one bit.

However, the way he smiled was genuine. "How come you didn't say that earlier? Before you almost bashed my skull in!"

"Ah, you know me; I love to make your life a living hell! And I know for a fact you won't be getting rid of me anytime soon!"

"Ah? Is that so? I should prepare for a lifetime of confusion and pain."

We paused for a moment, smiling. It was weird how we could punch each other one minute and go to this the next. We both began laughing, and I realized he was still sitting on my lap. We had gotten closer, but it wasn't too close. "Does that mean I can hang out with your brother?" I asked.

"Seriously? Do you like him or something?" He asked. He looked at me like I was crazy. I think he was willing to accept an answer if I were to feel that way for his brother. He looked sad about what I might say but accepted. "No...I was only doing it to mess with you! You know me! I will do anything to make your life a living hell," I laughed.

He tilted his head, smiling, and began to shake his head. "That's no good...we can't both be giving each other hell," he laughed. I lifted a brow at him, and suddenly, my body was getting hot. I felt my heart racing and felt the aura change. "Why not? It's more fun that way, I laughed.

He slowly reached into my hair, touching it. "I'm sorry for being a dick," he spoke. He came closer, and I gripped the grass beneath us. Thankfully, we were shielded by the hedges, so I wasn't worried that someone would see us. "I forgive you for being a dick, as always," I whispered.

His hands traced to the nape of my neck, touching my hair gently. He then traced his fingers to my cheeks, holding them. "You've gotten stiff...why so nervous?" He asked. He came closer, and I didn't respond. We looked each other in the eyes, and I tried to breathe slowly to calm myself.

"I mean...can you blame me?"

"No...but I must ask you something..."


He stayed silent, and I looked at him nervously. "What?" I asked. He had not said anything after. "Oh, nothing!" He spoke. He smirked at me, slapping my cheeks, and got off me.

That was...

The biggest disappointment!


Why didn't he kiss me or something? No!

Why didn't I kiss him?

I looked at him, shocked, as he fixed himself. I hate his guts!

But I also love them.

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