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"Alright! You two look new, so I will explain the rules! This disco doesn't do fighting if it doesn't have to do with dancing! You two will not argue or have the intention to hurt each other! That means no touching! Unless it is sexy, then touch away!"



Everyone began to cheer, and I stood horrified. England and I were forced to dance in front of everyone on a stage. Alfred and Matthew were front and center, and they were laughing. They set us up. I know they did!

I looked at England, horrified, and he looked nervous. I don't think I have ever seen him dance. What if he didn't know? Judging by his look, he probably didn't. "Right, let's get this over with," he spoke shakenly.

"READY?! SET! GOOOOOOOO!" The Americans cheered. The music started, and I felt dumbfounded. I didn't know what to dance. I believe they did this to embarrass the people trying to fight. It was brilliant because it worked on us. I looked at England, and he looked anxious and nervous as people yelled at him to start.


"DANCE!" they yelled at him. So I decided to start instead. I snapped my fingers at him, getting his attention. I smiled at him and began rolling my hands and doing the sprinkler. He looked at me, horrified, and I felt my face getting red. This was too embarrassing to be put on the spot. "I can't," he whispered.

I rolled my eyes at him, seeing the crowd get more anxious about him not dancing. "Fine, then follow my lead, at least!" I demanded. He looked at me, confused, and I pulled him closer. Many people began to cheer. His face was red as I pulled his hands in mine.

I intertwined our fingers and moved my hand around my head, doing the same with him. "It is easy, see?" I laughed. I then did the reverse underarm turn. I spun him around, and he looked at me in shock. I gestured for him to throw his arm out, and people cheered once we began dancing together.

England soon began laughing at the sudden attention. We both took four steps back, then four steps forward, and grabbed each other's hands to spin each other again. England looked genuinely happy at the dancing, and we separated for a bit so he could roll his arms. He looked so cute doing it that I could not help but mimic his movements.

It seems that no matter what...through history, we will always experience something new together. He truly was my first...

My last...

And my everything...

I could not help but laugh at his movements, and I was grooving my torso back and forth, then began moving side to side as he held his hand on his nose, waving his left arm around as if underwater. I laughed at his silly moves, grabbing his hand again.

There was really only one like him. I was such a fool to want to let it go. He was my reality, but I was lost in a dream as I stared at him.

There was only one like him...

Arthur began doing the robot, and I laughed at how silly he looked. "YEAH! YOU GO!" The boys cheered. I held my arms out, shaking my torso back and forth, then using my right hand to point to my left side, then sticking it out. I could not help but laugh at how silly we looked. We both sucked at dancing. We only knew stereotypical moves that people danced to. Arthur giggled as he followed me, and we began to spin each other around again.

This was it...

The spark I needed, maybe.

I am such an idiot for thinking I lost feelings for him. They were hidden within my jealousy of how well he was doing. Now...I was ready to embrace the new him, and all the weird things that came with him.

I wonder if he could see how he could make me feel this way, how he was so entangled in my soul that I could not think straight.

We continued to dance, and I lost all hearing from the people cheering in the back. I only focused on Arthur and how happy he looked to be dancing. "ARTHUR! YOU ARE SHINING BRIGHTER THAN ALL THE STARS AT NIGHT RIGHT NOW!" I called.

His eyes widened, and his jaw dropped. "HUH?-....AH!"


Arthur fell off the stage after I said what I said. However, he was about to land on Alfred and Matthew, but those idiots moved out of the way, causing him to fall on the floor. "Oh, Arthur! are you okay?!" I asked worriedly. I jumped off the stage, and many people in the back groaned sadly that the dance 'battle' was now over.

"Sorry, Dude, we would have helped, but Francis was closer," Alfred laughed. The boys stood to the side, and I quickly rushed to help Arthur up. "Are you okay?" I asked. I grabbed his hand in mine, and people began to go on with their dancing. "Yes, I am fine..." he spoke slowly.

I looked at him worried, and he tilted his head, looking at me.


This can't be happening...again!

We both looked down, noticing we were still holding hands. "OH? Look at the two of you! NO PDA!" Alfred laughed, making Matthew giggle. Arthur and I quickly separated hands, but I knew they all could see how embarrassed I had gotten. "Oh...sorry," I spoke. Arthur and I kept staring at each other, and my mind was racing with all kinds of thoughts.

Wait a minute...was he technically flirting with me earlier by bringing up that French comment? Was I finally realized what that was? No wonder he was pissed at me! He probably constantly flirted with me, but I turned it into a fight...; it reminds me of how he once was. "Francis? are you okay?" The boys asked. I looked at them horrified, and even Arthur looked concerned.

"Oi! Dimwitt, have you lost your mind?"

My head shot to Arthur, and I slowly began to back away. "Excuse me; I need to go home..."

"Eh? we just got here?" Matthew spoke. The boys kept smirking at me, and it felt like I was losing my mind. "Arthur, sorry, we will have to go, but how about tomorrow you come over? all of us can catch up!" Alfred suggested. I looked at him, shocked, and I wanted to strangle him. He was making it worse.

"Oh, sure..."

I turned to Arthur quickly, and he puckered his lips, looking away from me. What on earth was going on? "Great, how is my place at nine? It will be perfect," Alfred added. Matthew nodded in agreement, and I began to back away slowly. That seemed like such an odd time to meet up. I must be losing my mind. Or maybe it is an American thing to meet up that late?

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