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"Ugh, why are you here?"

"It's a world meeting, you asshat!"

"Do you seriously have to dress like that? Have some decency; we are in Germany's place!"

"Oh? As if I could care less...but it certainly doesn't surprise me that you care. I've heard the rumors...how low can you get? Especially since he had you caged up like an animal only twenty-five years ago!"

"If you are jealous, just say that!"

"Me? Jealous? That is great coming from you. Always a hypocrite!"

"Whoa, okay...how about we calm down before people overhear?" Alfred suddenly stepped between Arthur and me. Matthew pulled me back a bit, and Alfred pulled Arthur. They acted as if we were going to hit each other or something. I admit that Germany and I have rekindled our past and tried to talk to each other again, but it was nothing serious. Germany was too infatuated with Italy to ever think of me that way. Besides, he was still having some self-conflict when it came to those things.

He is in denial that he likes men, and Italy does not make it any better by flirting with him. I am more of an outlet that listens when he has these thoughts. We have discussed our past, which is behind us; it isn't a big deal. Germany was different now!

"Do me a favor and leave me alone already!" Arthur snapped. He glared at me, and more people began to notice us arguing with each other. "Whatever!" I glared. We both began to walk toward our seats, but I noticed we were still walking beside each other. " Will you stop following me!"

"You are the one following me!"

We continued walking, and I noticed our seats beside each other. I was going to kill Germany for thinking this was a good idea. "Seriously?" Arthur asked. We both sat down, and I noticed how Alfred and Matthew were seated beside each other in front of us. "Will you shut up? It is about to start!" I demanded.

Germany finally showed itself, and many people grew silent, including us. However, it did not end the glares we gave each other. "Hello! I am happy everyone could make it today! This is the first time in a long time that we are all meeting at my place. I want to start the meeting off with some amazing and notable announcements!" Germany spoke. He was stoic, but his voice was excited about the notable announcements.

These announcements were made to give shout-outs to nations who have done something to increase their population's happiness. "Three big ones! Congratulations to Mr. Canada for legalizing abortion and contraceptives! A huge boom in happiness for the Women population!" He started. Everyone began to cheer, and Alfred began to shove Matthew excitedly as he sat there embarrassed.

"Next is Mr. England!"


Arthur looked shocked, and Germany nodded. "He ended the death penalty, which was a huge approval across the UK!" Germany smiled slightly. Everyone cheered, and I could tell Arthur grew a bit embarrassed from all the attention. "Next, A big congratulations to America and Mr. Romania for stopping a bit of hostility with President Nixon visiting. However, I doubt the USSR would be too happy, watch where you walk," Germany warned. Romania and Alfred gave each other a thumbs up, pleased. He was in a Cold War right now, not to mention hostilities with Ms. Vietnam. I could feel her glare all the way over here.

The people who were not 'allowed' to come were the ones who would start problems. I mean it in a hypothetical way. We all have to swear not to start problems as we have these meetings, but if certain nations openly say they won't follow that term, they are suggested to stay away. This year, The Soviet Union did not come, nor did many of the nations he looked over.

It was hard seeing nations continuously be sad seeing their other friends not here. I could always tell when Poland would look around, hoping Lithuania would come through those doors. They were friends for a long time, but with the Cold War going on, he was not allowed to talk to anyone who was not on the side of the Soviet Union. It was sad, but we all agreed to disagree. They can come and not start problems or stay away.

I looked over to Arthur; he seemed to be using his pencil to draw circles around his paper as if he were taking notes. "Congratulations on not being so bloodthirsty," I snickered. I laughed a bit at my own joke, but it did not sit right with him. Arthur's head shot toward me, and he began to glare. "Congratulations on nothing! YOU DID NOTHING!" He yelled. Everyone turned to us as he looked like he wanted to punch me.

"Is everything alright?" Germany asked. Arthur and I turned toward him, and everyone looked at us, concerned. "Well! Of course, it isn't! You sat the two of them together! England! Come sit with me!"

I turned my head around, seeing Portugal.

He always pissed me off. I probably have the longest grudge against him the most. "Actually, I will take you up on that offer!" Arthur spoke. He stood up quickly, and I looked at him, shocked. Was he actually going to sit with that idiot?! I am sure Portugal still had that weird crush on him. Pfft...pathetic!


"I'm sorry, that sounds like you care about someone other than yourself!"

"I am only surprised you decided to go to HIM!"

"France, back off already; he doesn't like you!"


"Ah! Since we are all talking! I actually have something to say!" Ms. Vietnam spoke. Everyone turned to her, shocked, and I had the strangest feeling I knew what would happen. "Hmmm?" Germany spoke.

"Alfred...you might actually want to start running..." I spoke.


"Right now?"

Vietnam began running toward him, and everyone took this chance to pick fights with the person beside them. "What the?" I spoke. Matthew quickly moved out of the way as Vietnam jumped the table, tackling Alfred to the ground.

I think the argument Arthur and I started...created a ripple effect...






I looked at Arthur, shocked, and soon a smirk spread across his face. I felt horrified as he looked at me, and I caught a glimpse of Scotland in the back, who stood beside Ireland and Wales, watching in horror. "ANARCHY IN THE UK!"

"ANARCHY IN THE—Huh?!" They yelled, shocked.

It was the last thing I could focus on before Arthur climbed over his table, using his elbow to land on me.

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