Goodbye Texts.

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So this is a conversation between Virgil and Patton over text.  TW: suicide, mentions of self harm



Yup, Kiddo?

I-I'm sorry...

It okay. Do you want to call? Is everything alright?

I... Messed up... Again...

What happened? Are you alright?

I d-dont know..

Do you feel sick? Wanna talk about it?

Do you remember when Remus gave us all a coloured knife?

Oh yeah. We were all mad at him.

Well... I.. Um.... Used it to cut myself...

What?! No, you didn't?

I'm scared, Dad...

Okay, Kiddo. Okay. You're  gonna be fine.

But there's so much blood... So much...

No. No. No blood. It's going to be fine. I promise.

Dad, help...

Okay... I will, I promise. But first you gotta  breathe. In and out. Come on. Like we practiced.

A few minutes later...


Yeah, Kiddo?

I did it again... I cut myself again.. I'm sorry... I panicked and didn't know what else to do

Oh, Virgil! Hey... Its okay... I'm not mad..

You should be... I'm a waste of space...

Hey!! No, you're not! Don't ever say that! Never! You're special to me, Kiddo. Even more special than my own partner. And look at how amazing you have become at sharing your feelings

It doesn't mean anything...
I deserve to die..

No, Kiddo. You don't. Look...

You know what, we could go see Remy. Wouldn't that be fun?

I'm a monster, Dad. I don't deserve fun.

Come on. We'll go together. We can both have fun. Then we'll come back and have some cookies!

Dad. Cookies aren't going to help me. I don't want to live anymore.

Okay... Okay... Well, how about we watch a movie? That way you can relax! Maybe you can fall asleep

How does that sound?

I can't...

Not even for the little mermaid?


Please, Kiddo?

Just one movie? And everything will be fine!


Please? Come on? It'll make you feel better.

I love you, Dad.

You just need to relax. You'll be fine. Maybe take a nap?

I'm sorry, Dad. Okay? I'm sorry.

For what? Being happy? Making me so darn proud?

Goodbye, Dad.

Wait, no, don't go. Stay. I'll tell you funny stories! Remember when we were fishing in the imagination? When I fell off the boat and got all wet? That was funny, right?

You could have gotten sick.

Or that time when I got stuck in the bathroom and Logan had to break down the door?

Yeah. He had bruises for weeks.

I remember when you were a kid. You would always draw me things. Like a cat or dog. One time, you drew me a unicorn!

I love you, Dad. Tell Roman I would have married him if I wasn't so broken. Please?

Oh, Virge. We'll figure this out, okay? We'll fix everything. It's going to be alright. I know that for a fact.

I'm sorry it had to be this way.


You're scaring me!



Wake up!!

Come on. Virgil. I love you...

Virgil Sanders is offline.

Oh fuck.

So there's your chapter. Idk what it was. I was bored. Please look after yourselves.

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