The Beginning Of Something New.

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Just a thing before this chapter. I know the title of the book is "Sanders sides one shots" but this isn't a chapter from that fandom. But I really wanted to show you guys this, because I was proud of it. I love you guys for reading <3

Xavier is a very kind person. Anybody will tell you that. It's definitely not just my own, extremely biased opinion. Their caramel hair, so soft and shiny, is enough to brighten any day. Don't get me started on their dark chocolate eyes, so deep you'd get lost in them but there's a gentleness in them that makes it feel like falling through a warm blanket. And their smile... Oh lord their smile... So shy and so powerful that it chases awya even the stormiest of clouds.

I'm getting nervous now. I draw upon my happiest memory of them - of us- to clear out the last webs of doubt. Our first official date, all those years ago. I still remember it as if it was yesterday; every detail is engraved in my mind, right down to the shine on their sliver spiked bracelet. It was their favourite thing to wear as it had a matching choker.


I'm at home,fidgeting and worrying at my lip. "You'll be fine," My mom tells me for the thousandth time, "I'm sure they will love it." I hear the sound of the words, but the meaning becomes lost in the tangle of my thoughts. You wouldn't think I had been planning this date for weeks.

The time's creeping closer to them arriving and I am still to change into the clothes I plan to wear. My phone pings, alerting me to a message. I know who it is without looking. I'm here xx : it reads. Now begins the mindless rushing. Thanks a fuck, Adhd. A quick sprint up and down the stairs later, I'm in the outfit.


Xavier has called and messaged me again. You okay? Xx They sound concerned, even though I can't hear their tone. I shoot a text back, assuring them "I'll be there in a sec xx"

Back upstairs. Blanket? Check. Yarn? Check. Hooks? Check. Snacks? Check. Drinks? Check. That's everything. I shove it all in a bag. It's been four minutes since I said I wouldn't be long. It's already ten past one, a while half an hour later than we had originally planned.

By the time I open the front door, they were almost in full panic (at the disco) mode. "Heyy" I say, dragging out the 'y' to try and sound relaxed. Xavier hears me and spins around. Almost knocking me to the ground, they dive at me, stealing not only my breath but my balence with the sheer force of the hug.

"I thought something was wrong! I'm so glad youre okay," they exclaim as they shuffle out of the small garden. When they see my mom following, Xavier spins on their adorable confusion. "In the car," I instruct. Despite not having a clue what is occurring, they obey quickly.
Once we are in the car, with our seat belts on, our fingers automatically link and lock.

Sanders Sides one shots Where stories live. Discover now