Chapter 08

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"Hey," Caine slid the door close when he followed me to the balcony. "You okay?"

His friends and Autumn were busy partying inside.

I turned my body around to face him. I nodded and hugged myself because the cold wind hit my skin. "Nagpapahangin lang."

Naglakad siya papalapit at tumayo sa tabi ko. "I'm sorry about my friends earlier. Were you uncomfortable?"

He leaned back onto the balcony railings, eyes meeting mine.

I chuckled softly. "Bakit ikaw ang nag-sosorry? Ako nga dapat dahil si Autumn naman ang pasimuno nun."

"Yeah, why would she do that?" he scoffed. "I thought something bad happened to you. Scared the shit out of me."

"As they said, they were trying to prove something..." my smile faded when I remembered my conversation with the girls earlier. "Caine, I want to ask you something..."

He became more attentive. Umarko ang isang kilay niya sa akin. "Okay... ask away."

"We agreed to be friends, right?"

"We are friends," He nodded. "Unless you want to turn it into something more?" He grinned.

Umirap ako at hinarap siya. "Magkaibigan nga tayo. But all of these things... bakit mo ginagawa?"

He cocked his head to the side and tried his best to look clueless. "What things?"

"Taking me to the beach, taking me to dinners, sending me flowers. And now..." I paused. "Now, you're introducing me to your friends. Why?"

"Because I'm being a good friend?"

"Caine!" I groaned. "You know what I'm talking about! Yung mga bagay na yon, yung mga bagay na ginagawa mo para sa akin... hindi naman normal yun para sayo. Beth even told me this is the first time you've introduced a girl to your friends."

Tinitigan niya lang ako kaya nagsalita ako ulit.

"Sabi mo magkaibigan tayo. Do you this to all of your friends?"

"No." Umiling siya. "No, I don't."

"See? So, you get my point?" I sighed. "Caine, be honest... Is this because I turned you down?"

"What?" he scowled and looked almost offended. "Bakit mo naman naisip yun?"

"Well, that's what you told me before. You've never been rejected by a girl, right? And you made it clear before na hindi ka naman naiinvolve sa ibang babae unless it's sexual..." I paused. "I just want to know, Caine... kaya mo ba ginagawa ang lahat ng to para bumigay ako? To win me over so I can finally give in to you in bed? You're enjoying the thrill of the chase, is that it? Kasi hindi ka sanay na ikaw ang inaayawan because you're typically the chased and not the chaser."

Chaos in the Cavity of Peace (Love in Mendiola Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now