Chapter 17

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Warning: R-18. This chapter is intended for a mature audience and is not suitable for children. Strong Parental Guidance is highly advised.

Please read responsibly and skip if you must.


"Hey, pillow freak."

Umalingawngaw ang baritonong boses ni Caine sa buong silid. I was too focused on my phone that I didn't notice that he was already home.

I let go of my phone and turned my body to the other side of the bed, tucking my hands under my cheek as I faced him, finding him leaning against the doorway, hands casually tucked in his pockets, and a pair of paper bags in his other hand.

"Hey..." I smiled lazily. "What are you doing home? Alas tres palang, ah? Akala ko six pa ang tapos ng klase mo?"

Umiling siya nang naka-ngiti. "Attorney was absent, so no class today."

"Oh. That means no recit for you, huh? Swerte mo naman today."

"Not to brag, but I could easily pass my recits. Swerte talaga ako today because I get to take care of you," with a smug grin on his face, inangat niya ang dalawang paper bag bago nagsimulang maglakad papunta sa akin. He removed the pile of pillows surrounding me before crouching down to kiss my forehead and stroke my hair. "How are you feeling, sunshine?"

"Still in dinosaur mode," I sighed sadly. "But a bit better now compared kaninang morning."

Caine's furrowed brows relaxed, and he nodded, looking a bit relieved. "Oh, thank God. That's good, at least bumubuti ang pakiramdam mo kahit papano," umupo siya sa gilid ng kama sabay pasok ng kaniyang kamay sa loob ng aking tee shirt para mahaplos ang puson ko. "How about your belly? Still hurts?"

I nodded, pouting. "I still can't stand properly."

His face fell, looking worried. But I gave him the most assuring smile that I could.

"Poor baby. I'm so sorry," he pressed our foreheads together while still massaging my belly. "I hate that this gives you pain. If I could just take it all away, I would."

"It's okay," hinaplos ko ang pisngi niya nang naka-ngiti. "I can manage. My body is built for this, remember?"

"You women are amazing. I don't know how you do this every month," umiling-iling siya, namamangha. "You're so strong and amazing, you know that?"

Natawa ako ng mahina habang tumatango. Siyempre, alam ko naman yun. Nakakamangha talaga kaming mga babae. Magaganda na, matatapang pa. Saan ka pa, diba?

I eyed the paper bag that he was holding. Nagningning ang mga mata ko nang makitang may logo ng Jollibee iyon. "Is that food?"

Chaos in the Cavity of Peace (Love in Mendiola Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now