Chapter 21

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Trigger warning: Miscarriage

This chapter contains scenes that might trigger trauma for readers.

Please read responsibly and skip if you must.


A blinding blur of bright white greeted me.

It was too bright that my eyes struggled to adjust, so I had to blink a few times until my view came into focus.

Lights. They were ceiling lights.

For a moment, confusion clouded my mind as I struggled to make sense of what was happening. I tried to recall my memories, and the last recollection I had was the darkness enveloping me as someone reached out for me.

I was in an accident.

I could vividly remember how I'd been involved in a car accident.

Panic and fear surged through me again as the memory flashed through my mind.

I wanted to move, but my body felt too heavy that it weighed me down. I couldn't even wiggle my toes or move my fingers. But then I heard the faint beeping of machines and murmurs of voices growing louder and more distinct. A familiar sterile smell I often recognize from the hospitals also reached my nose.

Am I in the hospital? Most likely...

A wave of relief washed over me as I realized I was in a hospital.

Just then, a figure suddenly appeared in front of me. I recognized the doctor in a white coat, holding a small flashlight and shining it directly into my eyes. Sinundan ko iyon nung ginalaw niya. He was also talking to me, but his words initially sounded muffled, like I was underwater and he wasn't.

"...Can you see me clearly?" I finally understood what he was saying.

I wanted to speak, but something was covering my mouth. I tried to lift my hand to remove whatever that was, but I couldn't even move it for an inch or two.

The doctor smiled reassuringly at me as he placed my hand down. "You're in the hospital, Keecia. You've been in an accident. Naaalala mo ba?"

I nodded a little.

"Okay... that's good," he sighed a breath of relief. "You've just woken up from a coma, and there's a tube in your mouth to assist with your breathing. Now, we can't remove it yet because we need to keep monitoring you. But once your breathing stabilizes and becomes stronger, rest assured that we can remove the tube and allow you to breathe on your own again. Do you understand?"

I nodded again.

A familiar baritone voice of a man interrupted our conversation, and I could hear him whining and complaining, asking something about what was taking so long because he wanted to see me and talk to me.

Chaos in the Cavity of Peace (Love in Mendiola Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now