Chapter 29

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What on earth is he doing here?

Did he follow me here? Did he know I was here, or was this just a pure coincidence?

I wanted to ask him, but I didn't want to come out as rude sa kasama ko. I also didn't want to come across as presumptuous, assuming that he had followed me here. Malay ko ba kung nagkataon lang talaga na nandito rin siya, diba? And if that really was the case, then what are the odds? Kung kelan naman iwas na iwas ako, saka pa laging nagku-krus ang landas namin. Ang pangit ng jokes nitong tadhana, ang pangit ka-bonding. Nakakairita lang.

But instead of saying anything, I chose to stay in my seat, still completely dumbfounded. I couldn't even speak back to him. All I could do was stare as his attention shifted to Noah, offering his hand out to him with a confident smile.

Although I could see a completely different story in his eyes. They were dark as if he wanted to bury the man in front of him alive. I couldn't help but inwardly raise an eyebrow. Anong ibig sabihin niyan? Ba't ganiyan siya makatingin kay Noah?

"Hi," he started, introducing himself to Noah. "Attorney Caine De Laurentis."

Noah's eyes widened in surprise, promptly rising to accept Attorney De Laurentis' outstretched hand, shaking it eagerly with both hands. "De Laurentis?" he asked in disbelief. "As in the owner of DL Corp and L cube?"

Attorney De Laurentis' grin grew even wider as he confirmed Noah's question with a nod.

"Oh, wow! Who would've thought na dito pa kita personally na makikilala?" Noah exclaimed, clearly impressed. "Noah Ramos, by the way. I'm a big fan of you and your work. I just read about the Florentino case, and I must say, what you did there was truly impressive!"

"Really? Thank you," Atty. De Laurentis' grinned knowingly as he glanced at me and gestured toward Noah. "He's a big fan."

I clenched my jaw.

Arrogant asshole.

Edi siya na ang sikat! Siya na ang may fan! Ano naman ang pakialam ko? He can flex to the whole wide world for all I care.

I was so annoyed that I hadn't realized I was staring directly into his eyes, and I only noticed when they instantly softened upon meeting mine.

I swallowed hard. I didn't like how it made my heart race. Those eyes, oh God, I really hate those eyes. Kaya ayaw kong tignan ang mga yan eh. I mean, how could they be so captivating and infuriating at the same time? How could they hold so much power over me?

If it weren't for my pride, I would've looked away immediately, but I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing he still had that effect on me.

Chaos in the Cavity of Peace (Love in Mendiola Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now