Chapter 23

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His words hung in the air, and time seemed to stand still as I tried to process everything all at once. So, they have finally caught the culprit—the one responsible for my accident has finally shown up and confessed...

The more I think about it, the more emotions surge within me. Happiness, anger, relief, and sorrow collide, leaving me speechless and overwhelmed. I am happy and relieved to find out that there is finally progress in my case, and that they caught the person who caused the accident. But I know that it also means I have to face the truth and deal with the pain and trauma that I had tried so hard to forget.

I was brought back to the present when Caine squeezed my hand tighter and pinned my knees together, holding them still to stop the frantic bouncing.

Humugot ako ng malalim na hininga bago nagsalita. "How... how did that happen? Why did he show up? Anong dahilan niya at umamin siya ngayon?"

Caine's expression softened as he shook his head. "We don't know the details yet, baby. The police informed us this morning, but we haven't met with them yet. Gusto ko sanang ipaalam muna sayo bago kami magpunta roon."

Ahia chimed in, adding, "Maybe the weight of his actions finally caught up with him. Siguro kinain na rin ng konsensya niya kaya nagpakita na."

"But we can't say anything for sure now, anak," si Dad naman. "We'll find out tomorrow pag punta namin sa police station."

Hindi na ako nagsalita at tumango na lang.

"Do you... want to join us tomorrow?" Caine asked slowly, carefully selecting his words as he asked me. "Maybe see him? Or learn more about the case?"

Ngumuso ako at nag-isip.

Do I want to?

I thought about it and the memories of that night flooded my mind, vivid and haunting. The screeching tires, the blinding headlights, and the impact that tore my life apart. I remember it all too well. Even the unbearable pain that came after—the long weeks I spent in a state of unconsciousness where I hovered between life and death. And the heartbreaking news of losing our unborn child, a tiny and precious life that was taken away from us before we could even nurture it.

Do I really want to relieve that night? That pain?

"No... I can't..." I whispered, shaking my head. "I'm not ready to face him. Not yet."

I can't even stand the thought of facing him... he's the person who had almost taken my life and taken our baby's life. Siya ang dahilan kung bakit ang daming nawala sa akin. My heart hurt just by thinking about it. Kaya kahit masakit man, I have come to this decision.

For my own peace of mind, I need to keep my distance. I have come this far. I had come so far in my recovery and I don't want anything to jeopardize it.

Chaos in the Cavity of Peace (Love in Mendiola Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now