Party Planning

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Loona's pov

I wake up alone seeing nothing but blood around me followed by the sound of someone screaming. I dash as fast as I can only to see Y/N get shot In the chest over and over again, no matter how hard I try I can never seem to make it In time, almost as if his death was my fault, and every time I have this dream Y/N always says to the same before dying "This is all your fault and I hope you know that". I woke up In bed alone, again, and was feeling like shit, it was just a normal morning ever since his death. I miss him so much. I miss his cuddles, his smile, everything. I just don't know If I can ever find someone as good as him Since I was hungover I thought having some tea might help. I looked around my cabinet only to realize I didn't have any tea.

Loona: God fucking dammit of course there's no more fucking tea.

Out of nowhere, my phone went off, and of course, it was from Blitz.

Blitzø: Hey Loony just checking In.

Loona: I'll be there soon just feeling like shit.

Blitzø: Loony If you need a day off please just take a day If you need one.

I sat there In since for a moment, I haven't gone to work In about a month now since I've been showing up shitfaced every day.

Loona: Maybe I'll take another day off.

Blitzø: Remember Loony, Daddy loves you.

Loona: Love you too.

Blitzø's pov

I called everyone into the meeting room to talk about my little Loony poo, and of course, Moxxie had to be a little bitch baby and complain about it.

Moxxie: Sir why do we even need a meeting to talk about Loona?

Blitzø: Oh I don't know Moxxie, maybe It's because Loona has done nothing but drink since Y/N died.

*Flashback 1/3* Blitzø's pov

The day at I.M.P had just begun and I noticed Loona was late for work again, she's been late ever since Y/N'S funeral. All of a sudden Loona burst through the door.

Loona: Hey *hic* which o-one *hic* of you guys ordered a pizza?

Blitzø: Loony sweetie are you drunk?

Loona: what? *hic* n-no of course not. *hic* I-I only had a slip or two.

Blitzø: Loony go lay down you're drunk.

Loona: *hic* No I'm not I'm perfectly fine. Watch this.

She took one step forward and then passed out on the floor drunk.

Blitzø: Ugh god dammit Loona. Mox, can you lend me a hand, please?

Moxxie: Sure.

Blitzø: Well be back in a bit Millie.

Millie: Alright.

*End of flashback 1/3*

Moxxie: Oh yeah, and then there was that other time.

*Flashback 2/3* Moxxie's pov

I was sitting in my office doing paperwork when I heard someone knocking on the door.

Moxxie: It's unlocked.

Loona kicked my office door hand and had several beer bottles in her hand.

Loona: Moxxie my friend *hic*y-you want to go get *hic* drunk.

Moxxie: No thanks Loona I'm busy right now.

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