Daddy-Daughter Day

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Loona's pov

Morning has arrived here and hell and just like every other day I wake up and start drinking. I dig around my fridge hoping to find the strongest shit I have, only to be disappointed realizing I have no more alcohol, in a blind rage I slammed my fridge door shut causing shit to fall over. What a great fucking start to the morning. My phone started to ring again knowing damn well how it was I picked up without hesitation.

Blitzø: Hey Loony you awake yet? 

Loona: Am I on the phone talking to you?

Blitzø: Good point, anyway just calling to remind you that I'll be at your place at noon.

Loona: Yeah I know.

Blitzø: Alright I'll see you then Loony Tooney.

Loona: See you then I guess.

I hung up my phone and then realized that I had to get ready for this long ass day.

Loona: Ugh I'm to tired and hung over for this.

I walked into my kitchen and made made some toast and coffee only to realize I was out of coffee.

Loona: Ugh of course I'm out of coffee. 

 So since I was out of coffee I stuck with the toast and started eating. I can't remember the last time Blitz and I spent the day together, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little excited to spend some time with him. Once I was done eating I walked to my bathroom and started to shower.

Blitzø's pov

I had just finished my phone call with Loona and nothing really seems to have changed since we last spoke. She sounds just as depressed and miserable as she did the last time, I'm really hoping this party shows Loona we care, and if it doesn't I'm just going to have to do my best to comfort her. Ever Since I adopted Loona i've been by her side cheering her on. I was there for her then and I'm here for her now. I just hope Loony is excited to spend some time with me after shutting herself in her apartment for over a month now. Millie suddenly broke the silence.

Millie: So you think she'll enjoy the party?

Blitzø: I hope so.

Moxxie: It's almost noon sir I'd suggest you head over to Loona's place.

Blitzø: I know Mox, I know. 

 I left my apartment with M&M and headed over to Loona's place, I walked up a flight of stairs and knocked on Loona's door. 

Blitzø: Hey Loony you ready yet sweetie?

Loona: I'll be there in a minute. 

A minute goes by and Loona finally opined the door.

Loona: Hey Blitz.

I could tell she was tired and unhappy so I put on a smile for her sake.

Blitzø: Hey Loony, Happy Birthday!

Loona: Thanks.

She still sounded so defeated and unhappy. It pains me to see her like this.

Blitzø: You okay sweetie?

She sat there in silence for a minute clearly trying to think of an answer to this question. I haven't seen her in over a year and she still looks like she's struggling to just get out of bed. She looks like she just woke up. Things differently aren't getting easier for her. After a moment she answered my question.

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