A Day With Octavia

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Loona's pov

It was around midnight and my birthday was over. All I'd been thinking about was what Octavia said to me "I've missed talking to you" maybe I should spend the day with her tomorrow, I got my phone out and texted Via.

Loona: Hey Via you asleep yet?

Octavia: No not yet anyway.

Loona: I've been thinking about what you said to me earlier. 

Octavia: What do you mean?

Loona: You said you missed talking and hanging out with me, so I thought we could spend the day together. 

Octavia: I'd love to spend the day with you tomorrow, what did you have In mind?

Loona: I was thinking we could maybe go to the mall have lunch together and maybe learn some spells.

Octavia: Just like old times.

Loona: Exactly like old times.

Octavia: I'll swing by your place at around 11:30. Does that work for you?

Loona: Yeah.

Octavia: Alright cool see you soon Loon.

Loona: See you tomorrow Via. Hey before you go can I ask you something?

Octavia: Sure go ahead.

Loona:  You're not mad at me for ignoring your messages right?

Octavia: No of course not why would you think that?

Loona: Well it's just, I haven't talked to you in almost 4 months.

Octavia: Your boyfriend died Loona, I'd be just as upset as you are.

Loona: Sorry it's just I felt like I was being an asshole for ignoring you for so long.

Octavia: It's okay Loona really, you don't have to beat yourself up about it.

Loona: Yeah I guess you're right.

Octavia: I'll see you tomorrow Loon.

Loona: Night Octy.

 I was a little surprised that Via was okay with me ignoring her for so long. I thought she'd be way more pissed off with me, but she seemed rather chill about it. I guess I was just overthinking things again wouldn't be the first time I've overthought things like this. I put my phone away once I was done talking to myself, and I fell asleep shortly after.

Octavia's pov

I was a little surprised Loona reached out to me, it's been so long since we've last hung out, and from what I can tell anyway Loona's had it rough since we've last talked. I feel really bad for her, she's been so unlucky when it comes to finding love. Unlike me, people down here do everything to get in Loona's pants, and every time someone tries it Loona kicks their ass every time. It's pretty funny to see Loona wipe the floor with people that are almost twice her size. Once I finished these thoughts I began to think about Loona some more, she's going to need someone to comfort her, and after all those times she's been there for me I'm going to be there for her.

*Time skip* Still Octavia's pov

My day started off like every other day, hearing my parents screaming at each other about my dad fucking an imp. I turned on music hoping this will drown my mum screaming, and just like every other time I've tried this it never worked. I came out of my room and saw an imp get tossed right toward me, he missed me and was thrown into the wall next to me. I helped him to his feet and healed his wounds a little.

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