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Loona's pov

Octavia and I have just arrived at the graveyard, and the very first thing I did was shed a small tear which Via must have seen me do. She slowly walked towards his grave and placed her hand on my shoulder.

Octavia: You okay Loona?

Loona: . . .

I stood there above his grave feeling myself slowly lose my grip, I felt like I could just break down and cry any minute now. It's been over a year since his death, and I still don't think I could. So without much thinking, I pulled out my grimoire and flipped through some pages until I found the spell that could bring him back. Via who was off on the sidelines walked up to me and tried to reason with me, which I'm glad she did

Octiva: Whoa whoa whoa, we don't even know how to use the spell Loona. We need to take this one slow to do this properly. Remember Loona, if we screw up this spell then he might not come back the same. He could come back as a different demon, or as some sort of mangled abomination. 

I still haven't said anything since we've gotten here I just stood there above his grave feeling myself slowly lose myself. 

Octiva: Loona, you want him back just the way he was right?

Loona: . . .More than anything.

Octiva: Just take a deep breath and try to relax okay?

I took a deep breath and tried to relax. But no matter how hard I tried my mind only thought about Y/N and only Y/N.

Loona: Okay, I'm ready.

Octavia: Alright perfect.

Octavia looked down at it for a solid minute before looking back up at me and then looking back at the grave.

Octaiva: The legend of I.M.P. huh? Must have been a pretty cool guy.

Loona: . . .He was so much more than that to me.

I started to tear up thinking about all the good times Y/N and I had together, all I want to do is see him again. 

Loona: Via can you promise me something?

Octavia: Of course Loon.

Loona: Promise me that this will work.

She sat there in since for a moment, almost as if she was at a loss for words. She finally broke the since a moment later.

Octavia: I can't promise that Loon, I've never brought someone back to life before.

Loona: But can't we at least try?

Octavia: Well we could give it a shot, just read each strip very carefully.

Loona: A-alright.

Octavia: Just take a deep breath Loona, relax your body calm your mind, and don't think about anything else, if you want to do this properly you need to be in a calm and relaxed state got it?

Loona: I understand.

Octavia: Alright, let's just wait a couple of minutes to make sure our in a calm state. try to think of something relaxing.

Loona: Y-yeah. 

I took a deep breath and tried to calm my mind, this was going to take some time.

Stella's pov

I was sitting in the garden drinking some tea when A small imp came up to me holding a telephone.

Stella: The fuck are you looking at.

Imp: It's for you, your majesty.

I picked up the phone and heard the voice of the rattlesnake imp himself, Striker.

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