Y/N Vs I.M.P pt 2 The Fight For A loved One

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Loona's pov

With Y/N'S flamehound from unleashed thanks to Millie hitting him with a crowbar. I had no choice but to step back into the fight, but the others had my back, and they refused to give up on Y/N just like me. We all stared at Y/N with a look of determination on all our faces. While Y/N smirked, I knew deep down the old Y/N is still in there.

Y/N: So let's pick up where we left off. 

Millie jumps at Y/N lands on his back and simply wraps her hands around his face blinding him, and allowing me to sweep his legs to throw his balance off. He falls over allowing me to do something I've wanted to do for so long...hug him. I gave him the tightest hug I could and started to cry, while he just sat there confused.

Y/N: Hold on...are you crying?

Loona: *crying* FUCKING YES.

Y/N: Why?

Loona: *Crying* Because I've lost the most important thing in my life.

Y/n: I'm so confused.

Loona: *sniff sniff* If you gave us a change We'd explain everything.

He sat there confused for a second before he looked towards all of us. Only this time you seemed more relaxed and in more of a calm state of mind.

Y/N: You know what I'll give you guys a chance to explain. 

My heart skipped a few beats once he said this. He's finally going to let us explain, I couldn't believe it at first, and the others couldn't either.But I was thankful anyway. I didn't want this fight to go on any longer. It was time for him to remember who he really was...the legend of I.M.P, and what a legend he was.

Loona: R-really? Your going to let us explain?

Y/N: I might as well.

Moxxie: Hold on why are you changing sides all of a sudden?

Y/N: Well you're hellhound is crying in my arms while giving me a hug, and that's not something a killer would be doing to someone they murdered.

Loona: S-so you're going to let me explain everything to you even tho you think that we were lying to you?

Y/N: Yeah I am, and I'm starting to think whatever Striker told me was a lie, you seem to really care about me. In fact all of you do.

Loona: I do care baby, and I'm not going to lose you a second time.

Y/N: Alright Loona go ahead.

I let go of him while Millie also got off of him. He slowly stood up while I took a deep breath and looked at him.

Loona: Well for starters before you died I was your girlfriend, and you worked for an assassination company called I.M.P. you worked alongside Blitz Moxxie Millie, and of course me. 

Blitzø: Before I adopted Loona, you and I ran I.M.P together.

Millie: Loona and I found you in an abandoned hospital and brought you back to hell.

Moxxie: You've been dead for over a year now, and Striker brought you back from the dead giving you false memories.

He stood there not saying anything or doing anything, he just stared.

Y/N: So Loona and I were a couple before I died?

Loona: Yes we were.

Y/N: That must have sucked for you.

I playfully punched his arm.

Loona: Well something you should know about me is my love for cuddling you.

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