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Y/N's pov

The sun shines through our curtains, waking me up. I looked down and noticed Loona, still in her human form, passed out on top of me. She was super clingy last night, refusing to let go of me, and I knew that this morning wasn't going to be any different. I tried to get up, but Loona only tightened her already tight grip.

Loona: Please, just a little longer.

Y/N: But we need to go look for jobs today?

She remained silent for a minute.

Loona: Can... can you stay here with me today?

Y/N: What for?

Loona: I'm not comfortable going out yet.

Y/N: But you've always wanted to explore Earth.

Loona: I know, but I'm still a little scared, and I don't have much experience with Earth.

Y/N: Tell you what. You can stay here with the others while I go look for a job.

Loona: ...Fine, but you have to promise me something.

Y/N: Come back safe?

Loona: ...Yes.

Y/N: Don't worry, Loo. I know what I'm doing.

I wanted to get up, but Loona refused to let go of me.

Loona: Please, just five more minutes...

Y/N: Oh, come on, Loona.

Loona: I know, I know, I'm sorry. It's just that your body heat is warm, and it's helping calm my nerves.

Y/N: Alright, five more minutes.

Loona: Thank you.

She continues to snuggle me and slowly drifts back to sleep.

*Time skip* Five minutes.

Five minutes passed, and Loona still refused to get off me, so I got up and picked Loona up bridal style.

Loona: Woah, woah, woah! Put me down!

Y/N: Why should I? You seem to enjoy it.

I watched as Loona's face grew the darkest shade of red I've ever seen.

Loona: I don't want the others to see. Now put me down.

Y/N: Alright, alright.

I put her down, her face still red.

Loona: Don't ever do that again unless I'm okay with it.

Y/N: Alright, alright, relax.

Loona: Oh, fuck off.

She flipped me off while she left the bedroom. We both walked out of the bedroom and saw the others already eating.

Blitzø: Morning, you two.

Loona: Morning, I guess.

Y/N: Morning, Blitz.

Blitzø: So, you two are going to look for jobs today, right?

Loona nervously looked away and rubbed her arm.

Y/N: Loona's going to stay behind.

Millie: Why?

Loona: I'm not comfortable going out yet.

Moxxie: What do you mean you're not comfortable going out yet?

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