When Worlds Collide

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Before We begin I want to thank Sku11M8t for helping me with this collab, please go check him out, he's a really cool guy. Enjoy my version of When Worlds Collide. A crossover between Love and Memories and The Wrong Valhalla.  

Loona's pov

The pentagram rises in hell meaning that I sadly had to wake up and go to work, I got out of bed got dressed, and left the bedroom. I walked into the kitchen and noticed Y/N was still asleep on the couch. I walked over to him and nudged his arm. 

Loona: Babe it's time to wake up.

He slowly opined his eyes and groined. 

Loona: Just get up.

Y/N: I'm too tired to go to work today.

Loona: Tell you what, how about I use my grimoire and portal us over there?

Y/N: That's great I forgot to get gas last night anyway.

Loona: You big goofball. 

Y/N Walked into the bedroom to go get dressed while I started breakfast he walked out a minute later and sat at the table with me.

Loona: Since we're both rather lazy right now I just made us some toast.

Y/N: Fine by me.

Loona: So how'd you sleep without me?

Y/N: Meh.

 then realized how late he must have to feel asleep.

Loona: Hey babe?

Y/N: Yeah?

Loona: What the hell were you doing up so late anyway?

Y/N: I was watching tv.

Loona: Uutill two in the morning on a work night?

Y/N: Yes.

Loona: You're such an idiot, but you're my idiot.

I stood up and planted a kiss on his cheek.

Loona: Now come on let'd get to work.

I walked towards my room and grabbed the grimoire from a hidden safe I installed.  I flipped through the pages until I found the spell I was looking for.

Loona: Just need to set this up and we'll be at the office in no time.

Y/N: Whatever.

I performed the spell but something was off. Y/N was about to walk through but thankfully I stopped him. 

Loona: Hold on don't walk through it.

Y/N: Why.

Everything around us was starting to glitch out.


A blue twister of glitchy particles started to form around our apartment. 


Loona: I DON'T KNOW.

We both huddled together in fear and after a minute of us being scared shitless the blue twister faded and everything went back to normal.

Loona: What the fuck just happened?

Y/N: I'm not sure.

Loona: What spell did I just perform? 

Y/N: I'm not sure.

We both looked done and saw the grimoire was sizzling.

Y/N: Maybe we should leave that there.

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