Friends Or Foes?

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Loona's pov

Morning arrives here and hell, and the first thing I do is rush through everything so we can get to the graveyard and finally revive Y/N.

Blitzø: Loony you don't need to be rushing we have all day to revive him.

Loona: Don't care.

Blitzø: Loony...If these works don't overwhelm him okay? He's going to come back from the dead confused and scared, so just give him a hug or something once you see him. He's going to need some time to get used to everything again.

Loona: Yeah yeah yeah don't overwhelm him I get it.

We walked out of my apartment and started to make our way to the I.M.P building to pick up Millie and Moxxie.

*Time skip* 1hr

Once we got to I.M.P we picked up Millie and Moxxie. While Millie seemed rather excited, Moxxie on the other hand seemed rather nervous. 


Loona: You're not the only one.

Moxxie: So how are we going to do this?

Loona: Octavia is going to help us with the spell.

Moxxie: . . .

Millie: You okay Mox?

Moxxie: I don't know.

Blitzø: Mox are you thinking about you how you got him killed?

Millie: Blitz!

Blitzø: Shit sorry.

Millie: Mox it wasn't your fault, sure he started the fight with Blitz, but he was shot and there was nothing we could do about that Mox.

Blitzø: She has a point mox. Plus he forgave you before he passed away.

Moxxie: I know that, I just feel like we could have saved him if it wasn't for me having to criticize everything people do.

Loona: Fatass listin to me.

Moxxie: That was necessary but go on.

Loona: We have a chance to bring him back and undo everything that happens to us, and while I'm pissed off he was killed I never really thought of it as your fault, and that's me saying that of all people.

Moxxie: Thanks, guys.

Blitzø: No problem Mox. Now let's go get our friend back, shall we?

Millie: I can't wait to have him back.

I looked out the window smiling to myself.

Loona: Neither can I.

*Time skip* 

Loona's pov

We arrived at the graveyard and saw Octavia waiting for us near his grave.

Octavia: You guys ready?

Loona: As ready as we'll ever be.

My ears perked up when I heard the sound of someone chuckling, I looked around trying to find the source of the noise, and came up empty-handed. 

Blitzø: Something the matter Loony?

Loona: I hear someone chuckling.

I heard them again, I looked around some more and found the source of the noise. It was someone wearing a cloak of some sort, they had the hood covering their face.

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