Bloodbath At Wrath

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Morning arrived in hell and we wasted time this morning. It was finally time to make Striker pay after missing with my memories. Loona was just as ready as I was she didn't even want to sleep in this morning.

Loona: Alright so we're going to meet the others at work and discuss a battle plan to kill Striker.

Y/N: I have a plan...kill.

Loona: Listen we all hate Striker, but I'm not going to lose you a second time.

Y/N: What's he going to do against me?

She gave me a are you kidding me kind of look.

Loona: Shoot you.

Y/N: Well that's not going to happen.

Loona: but what if he does? I can't see you after just getting you back.

I took ahold of her paw.

Y/N: Loo trust me, I'm not going to die from another bullet in the chest.

Loona: You promise?

Y/N: I promise.

She gave me the tightest hug she could.

Loona: Don't break that promise, please...I can't stand the thought of losing you.

I embraced her worried hug with a hug of my own.

Y/N: Everything is going to be okay Loona.

She increased her grip without showing any sign of letting go. She even started to increase her grip a little too much.

 Y/N: Loona your grip getting a little tight.

Loona: I-I know.

Her voice started to break.

Y/N: You okay Loo?

She stayed silent for a second.

Loona: I-I don't know.

Y/N; You want to talk about it.

She looked up at me with a small tear in her eye and simply nodded.

Y/N: Alright.

We walked over to our couch and sat down. She took a deep breath and counted to hug me.

Loona: I'm scared I'm going to lose you again.

I embraced her hug with a hug of my own.

Y/N: You're not going to lose me, Loo.

Loona: But I'm scared you're going to lose you again.

Y/N: Can't you keep bringing me back from the dead with your grimoire? 

Loona: I don't know.

She looked as if she was going to start crying, but since it was only 6:30 we had time to ourselves before work started.

Y/N: We have 2 hours before work starts. Would you like some comfort cuddles?

Loona: Yes, please.

She wrapped her arms around my torso and slowly pulled me down into her arms.

Loona: Thank you I needed this.

Y/N: Anything for you Loo.

She snuggled into my chest and smiled warmly.

Y/N: You getting comfy?

Loona: Yes very.

Y/N: Just don't get too comfy we have a lot to do today.

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