Auto Mechanic

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[Late at night]
"Dingding! Dingding!"
The phone rang suddenly, and it rang continuously for a long time, with the determination of not giving up until the someone picked it up for god's sake.


An arm stretched out from under the quilt with difficulty, grabbed the phone, opened the cover, and pressed the answer button.

"Give me a reason within ten seconds, or I promise you will never get a part from me for your car ever again." The man's voice sounded a little dull under the quilt.
Thinking thar the threat was a little weak he added, "Don't even think about me modifying it for you ever again."

Although it still didn't sound threatening it's a potent threat to someone who knows him and his skills in modifying and repairing cars.

"It's me Dom," on the other end of the phone, a bald man grinned with joy.

"Hey, Jack, I need your help."

"Damn, Don, don't you know what time it is ?" It is 3 am dam it."

The man called Jack stood up with some difficulty—he couldn't help it, although the two girls on top of him were not heavy for him, as a gentleman, he still had to be more considerate of them.

He got up slowly and gently without disturbing those two girls.

"I know Jack, but it's urgent." Dominique Tretto sat down on a chair.

"I need you to modify some cars for me."

"You know my rules Dom," Jack said with difficulty.

Freed from the two girls who were entangled with him like an octopus, he breathed a sigh of relief and shook his head, "I think you should still remember them, right?"

"Of course, Jack, how could I forget? But it's personal this time?" Treitto said

"Ok" Alex said after a pause.

"And also, it's is a big deal as well." Toretto added.

"How big is it?" Jack asked as he got out of bed, put on his vest, left the bedroom. He came to the sofa in the villa's living room and sat down.

"Are you going to rob the central bank?"

"No, of course not," Treyto said.

"That bank It's too low-end, and we're going to steal from the rich and give to the poor this time."

"Sounds good," Jack poured himself a glass of clear, mellow, rich, aged wine from the cupboard near the sofa.

"But there is one problem Dom. It's is not in your nature to be the hero who robs the rich and helps the poor... So tell me the real reason?"

"Alright Jack you got me. My sister is pregnant."

"What?" Jack glared, "Are you sure?"

"Of course, would I ever lie to you about something like this?" Toretto asked.

"Damn it," Jack stood up, "I warn you I am innocent. Dom, I have never touched your sister!"

"What?" Tretto was taken aback for a moment, then reacted immediately and flew into a rage, "Fuck you Jack. I I know it's not yours!"

"That's good news," Jack breathed a sigh of relief and lay back on the sofa again.

"Although at the beginning I became your brother because I saw your sister, I have never touched her. I have kept my promise."

"Really? Didn't you say that you became my friend because you saw my driving skills?"

Toretto mercilessly exposed Jack. He knew that Jack reasons are volatile. He keeps on changing almost every time when asked.

"Well, let that be one of the many reasons why I became your brother," Jack said nonchalantly.

His have thick skin and he didn't care about such a small embarassing things.

"So, who's is it...  Is it the Brian O'Connor's. Please  don't tell me it's his."

" Unfortunately Yeah," Toretto said. "So..."

"I see. You're trying to settle down for good and make a last-ditch bid to get some money for the future?" Jack interrupted.

"Yes," Toretto nodded.

"Actually, if you just want money, I can..." Jack started to suggest something but was interrupted by Toretto.

"Jack, you know me," Toretto interrupted. "I haven't reached that point yet."

"Okay, but I will always be here Dom don't forget that. So when is it gonna go down?" Jack shrugged and asked as gave up what he was planning to do.

"Also where is the location and who is your target." Jack added.

"Rio," Tretto said. "Soon, we plan to rob Hernan Reyes, the biggest drug lord in Rio. There is gonna be 100 million in cash!"

"So you aren't messing around this time," Jack shook his head with emotion. "You know how risky it will be... He is like a local overlord around there."

" It's ok Jack. Isn't this just my usual style of operation?" Treitto laughed.

"Yeah, that's true," Jack asked. "Is this going to be the last time?"

"Of course, it's will be the last time," Treyto said. "After this time, there will be no shortage of money!"

"Interesting, the money hasn't even reached your hands yet but you my friend has already become rich," Jack shook the wine glass in his hand in a standard way, not paying any attention to the fact that there was no wine left in the glass.

"However, you also know that I rarely take on jobs like this nowadays. If you are going to carry it out then I might not be able to..."

"I know," Toretto touched his head helplessly, obviously feeling helpless because this is one of the Jack's "rules".

He won't partake in on the action if it is not interesting to him. But Toretto knows how to get Jack on board.
"I gave a new teammate Jack. You might have heard of her, Gisele Yashar" He said.

"Ah Dom! You know me all to well. Ok I am in." Jack sighted.

"Give me the address, and I will arrive in... um... two days later with what you want. Yes, by the way, how many cars do you want?"

"Four? Well okay, wait for the good news!"

Hanging up the phone, Jack threw it aside, drank the rest of the wine in the bottle in one gulp, and decided to lay down.

He went back to the sofa, closed his eyes, and started thinking about something.

Jack "looked" at the interface in his mind and sighed.

"Is it finally time for opening up a new world?"

On the interface in his mind, Jack's entire body is a 3D  holographic figure with a domineering aura. He has a  handsome appearance. It is slowly rotating, and above the projection, there is a title.

"Auto Mechanic • Intermediate (990/1000)"

[Title bonus:]

"Strength • 110"
As a mechanic, you need a strong body for work!

"Intelligent • 110"
As an auto mechanic, you need to be intelligent to modify the car as desired by the customer or by your desire!

"Mechanic Skills"

You can quickly understand and change any feature of a car.

"Car Driving Skills • Intermediate"

Yes, you read that right, maybe you're wondering why a mechanic would need driving skills? Haha, then let me tell you, because sometimes you just need to take the car for a test drive to make sure everything is working properly!


"Dimensional Wrench • Legendary "

As an auto mechanic, isn't it normal to carry a wrench with you? As for this one, it appear and disappear at any time according to your wish.

Why does it have such a function? Well, are you blind? Didn't you see that it was mentioned in it's name itself?


Jack directly ignored the weird introduction and focused on his projection.

With a thought, an interface that came from his projection emerged again.

[Jack Ashborn]

Number of professional titles held: 1

Opportunities to open up new worlds: 0

(you can get one opportunity if you successfully upgrade a professional title to the advance level)

Body attribute value: 110

Intelligence attribute value: 110

Unassigned attribute points: 0

"Finally..." Jack "looked" at the interface in his mind and sighed.
"With the 10 points I will be getting after this heist I can upgrade my profession to Advance level and open the path to my next world?"

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