The Tank

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[Reye's Office]

They didn't take a cent but burned all of my money?" Reye's asked.

"Yes," the person in charge of the warehouse where the money was burned lowered his head.

"He also said... that this is just the beginning."

"Ha!" Reyes smiled.

He walked to the desk aside and gently brushed some devices on it.

"It's just the beginning...haha... Very funny Toretto"

Reyes' hand stopped on a sharp alloy utensil. He grabbed it abruptly and turned his head, directly striking the person in charge of the warehouse on the neck.

"This is my answer!"

For Reyes, such a subordinate was not worth keeping around. He put the blood-stained utensil on the table, ignoring the unconscious man who had fallen to the ground.

Reyes said to another security captain in the office with his head down:

"Clean up all the warehouses. Within an hour, I need to see that all the money is locked in a safe place. And after doing this, let everyone start looking for those bastards! I want to put them all on the wanted list. Understand?"

"Understand!" The security captain nodded his head.

He then led Reyes's men into action. They went through the streets with guns, but no one dared to confront them.

As Toretto and the others had expected, Reyes's men began collecting the cash stored in warehouses all over the city and shipping it to their chosen "safe house".

"This is going according to plan," Toretto said with a satisfied nod.

Their plan was to lure Reyes into consolidating all the money in one place, making it easier to steal. However, there was a slight deviation in the plan.

"Oh, no way," Tej said as Reyes's men drove towards their destination.

"Am I seeing things?"

"I don't think so," O'Connor said, his voice laced with concern.

"They're heading towards the police station."

Everyone looked at each other in shock. Why would Reyes, a well-known drug lord, deposit his money in the police station?

"Well, now the difficulty level has gone from almost impossible to absolutely impossible," Roman said with a shake of his head.

"We stick to the original plan," Toretto said firmly.

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