The Dimensional Wrench Makes An Appearance

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Jim was about to shoot and stopped because of the sudden knock on the door. Jim's finger twitched on the trigger but hesitated as the knocking persisted. The sudden interruption had thrown him off guard, and he wasn't sure what to do next.

Ethan could sense Jim's hesitation and the opportunity it presented. He had hoped to disarm Jim, but now he was rethinking his plan. He didn't want anyone to get hurt, including himself.

A voice outside the door interrupted his thoughts as he weighed his options. "Who's in there?" the voice demanded. "This is the luggage room. I'm the train manager. Passengers are not allowed to enter here!"

Jim shook his gun and signaled for Claire to open the door. As she did, a man stepped inside, closing the door behind him. "Hello, Agent Claire," he greeted her with a smile.

Jim's gun was pointed at the newcomer. "Who are you?" he demanded, his finger still hovering on the trigger.

"Who do you think I am?" Jacked asked playfully.

Jim's mind raced. Was this another agent or an innocent bystander caught in the crossfire? However, he didn't have time to think as Jack's next words made his blood run cold.

"The CIA?" Jim sputtered, trying to mask his fear with bravado. "Forget it. It doesn't matter who you are. As long as you die, you are nothing!"

Ethan couldn't believe what he was hearing. Jim had gone too far, and now they were all in danger. He looked at Claire, then at Jack, hoping they had a plan.

Jack seemed unperturbed by Jim's threats. "You know, I've always wanted to be a train manager," he quipped, a sly grin on his face. "It is so much fun."

Jim didn't appreciate the humor. "Enough talk," he growled.

But Jack wasn't ready to give up the banter just yet. "Oh, come on," he said with a chuckle. "Can't we at least introduce ourselves first? I'm Jack. Who are you?"

Jim glared at him, but Ethan could see the tension in his body ease just slightly. Maybe Jack's lighthearted approach was working.

"I'm Jim," the agent finally replied, still holding his gun steady. "And these are my associates, Claire and Ethan."

Jack nodded to each of them in turn.

Ethan bristled at being referred to as an associate, but he knew Jack was just trying to diffuse the situation. He decided to play along.

"Nice to meet you," he said with a wry smile. "Although I wish it were under better circumstances."

Jack chuckled again. "Yeah, me too," he agreed. "But hey, at least we're all in this together now, right?"

Jim glared at Jack, his finger still on the trigger. Ethan could feel the tension building again, but Jack seemed unfazed.

"So, Jim," he said casually. "What's the plan? You gonna shoot us all and make a run for it?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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