Infiltrating CIA Headquarters Part 1

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A few days later, Jack revved up his engine and hit the road to the CIA headquarters in Langley like a secret agent on a mission. He felt invincible, driving the sleek new car that his boss, Director Chris, had given him. As he approached the CIA headquarters, he couldn't help but feel excitement and adrenaline.

At the gate, a bald man in a suit, who introduced himself as Walter, the head of the Administration Department of the CIA, approached Jack. Walter seemed nervous, and Jack could tell that the man was trying to delay the conversation.

"Mr. Jack, I think it's not convenient to talk about some things outside. Why don't we go inside first?" Walter suggested.

But Jack was not about to be deterred. He replied confidently, "I'm here to discuss some important things with the CIA."

Walter's face turned pale as he realized the gravity of the situation. Jack could see the man's hands shaking as he spoke.

"The Director of the CIA is not in the headquarters. He is on his way here after receiving the news. I am here to receive you temporarily."

Despite Walter's attempts to delay the conversation, Jack remained unfazed and followed the man into the CIA headquarters. Jack's mission was to stir up trouble, create a distraction, and provide cover for his partner Ethan and his crew while they carried out their operation. He needs to keep Walter and the CIA on edge. So he faked seriousness.

Once inside, Walter tried to steer the conversation away from important topics. He did so because he knew that if things went south, the Director, Mr. Bown, would mercilessly throw him under the bus to save himself.

There had been many black things the CIA had done, and if Jack and the IRS started to investigate them. Then things will turn for the worst. The CIA director was on his way to the headquarters as they spoke. So he tried to stall as much time as possible. So it will be the Director who will have to deal with Jack and the IRS.

Jack was more than willing, as it gave more time for Ethan to complete his mission. And if Walter had asked about the important matter, then Jack would have been more than ready to show him the contents of the CD Chris had given him.

Just as they strolled into the CIA headquarters, a loud fire alarm echoed through the building. But people continued their business as usual, not paying any mind to it.

The fire department arrived at the scene, and three firefighters rushed to the front desk.

"We received the fire alarm from your area 21," the lead firefighter declared. "Has the alarm been triggered here?"

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