The Plan

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"Wait, wait a moment. We need to finish our planning first!" Toretto interrupted hurriedly.

He wasn't worried that Jack wouldn't be able to handle Gisele. But he was worried that they would lose a valuable member of their team as Jack may fly off to "who knows where" with her.

Toretto had not planned on involving Jack in the action. he is only needed to provide support. But Gisele had an essential part to play in it.

And there is no time to swap her. After all, they are trying to steal money from the local crime boss in this city.


Jack said, not wanting to cause any trouble. He shrugged and then caught sight of Brian O'Connor, who is trying to hide behind Roman with a strained smile on his face.

"Hey Brian, it's been a long time man." Jack went ahead and gave him a bro hug.

"Haha... Jack, it's been a while," Brian said awkwardly as he greeted Jack.

A few years ago, Brian was still a cop. When he went undercover and joined Toretto's drag racing clan for a mission. But he fell in love with Mia.

At the time, Mia still had feelings for Jack, but Jack agreed with Toretto to treat Mia like a younger sister.

Brian... As we all know, men and women who fall in love will undergo a slight reduction in their sanity, and Brian is no exception, so he misunderstood the relationship between Jack and Mia, and then went to a pick a fight with Jack.

At that time, Jack was only a junior auto mechanic, but he had a strong body due to the bonus he recieved from the system.

So for Brian who took Jack for granted. He got his ass whooped. Since then, Brian has been a bit afraid of Jack.

"Alright guys now you have all met Jack lets discuss the plan..." Toretto said.

"Alright Dom let's get on with it." Han said as he chewed on some penuts.

"Yes, whay did you called us Dom?" Tej asked.

"We have a job," Toretto looked around. He ignored Jack, who is staring at Gisele with a smile.

"A big job."

"This time, our goal is Hernan Reyes."

Several people gathered around a table. A map was spread out on the table. The map was surrounded by dozens of red circles, large and small.

"He is in charge of the drug business here and has never been arrested, because there is no bank records and billing data as evidence, and he has strong influence within the police department as well as the higer ups of this place." Brian said.

"So he is rich." Gisele pondered.

"Exactly," Brian replied, pointing to the red circles on the map.

"Our job is to drain every single one of his cash reserves until there's nothing left."

"Nothing left?" Tej asked.

"Yes, Till nothing is left," Toretto nodded.

"What?!" Roman exclaimed.

"This is crazy Dom! Dragging us to a foreign country to rob the biggest drug dealer here? I thought this was a aome legitimate business deal or something!"

"Is this just a personal vendetta?" Roman continued after a pause.

"I'm not afraid, but I am now a new man. So I am out."

With that, Roman turned to leave. It is clear that he is not interested in this type of work.

While Roman was speaking, Jack had taken out his phone and started a video recording. How could he miss the opportunity to capture such a memorable scene?
He can't wait to troll Roman later. Maybe it will come in handy in other worlds as well. Who knows?

"We're talking about a 100 million dollar deal," Brian said without turning around.

Roman's footsteps stopped, as if he were being pulled back by an invisible rope.

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