Hobb's Trap

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"I liked the sentence you said earlier very much. Whoever has the bigger fist makes the rules."

"Are you human?" Hobbs finally realized what had happened just now, raised his head, and asked with surprise.

"I think so... but not entirely sure" Jack frowned and seemed to seriously consider it for a while.

"Probably." he said after considering it for a long time.

"Okay, let's end our conversation here for today. It's getting late. My bonfire party is still waiting for me,"

Jack smiled and walked away.

"Agent Hobbs, I hope you think more carefully before you act next time. Otherwise... next time, I might not be so merciful."


At that moment, Elena's voice made Jack stop and stand still.

"Are you serious?"

Jack turned around and looked at the woman pointing a gun at him. For some reason, he suddenly felt like messing around. Maybe his brother Alex Ashborn is influencing him.

He used a cold, emotionless voice and paired it with an expressionless face.

"You're playing with fire, woman."

Before Elena could respond and say something, Jack continued on his own.

"Hey... forget it, this is too embarrassing. It's not my style."

"Sure enough, this domineering gangster style isn't suitable for me... forget it, I'll just stick with my usual style..." Jack murmured.

"Ahem, um, who are you? Why are you pointing a gun at me?" He asked Elena.

Elena began to suspect whether Jack had some mental disorder.

"You were attacking the police publicly just now!" Elena said without hesitation.

"We need you to come with us and cooperate with the investigation!"

"Really?" Jack raised an eyebrow.

"Well, it sounds reasonable, but do you think I'm reasonable, madam?"

"I don't need to think that you are. I need you to be," Elena moved the pistol in her hand.

"Whoever has the bigger fist makes the rules." She added

"I agree with this sentence, but it applies to me in this situation," Jack smiled.

"You may have a gun, but I have the power and backing. It's best if Agent Hobbs can explain it to you here.

"Lower the gun, Elena,"

Hobbs stood up and walked to Elena's side, shaking his head. He pressed the gun into Elena's hand and started explaining to her.

"We can't use a gun. He's not a criminal, and his record is clean."

If he had caught Jack and been detained for a few days, his boss could help him easily. But if shots are fires, then it's a totally different matter.

If something were to happen to any citizen around or to someone as powerful and clean as Jack, then not only would Hobbs not be able to complete his task. But he would also face revenge from Toretto and others later on. It's not worth the risk.

"But!" Elena's eyes widened.

"There are no buts," Hobbs shook his head, waving his hand. He walked over to Jack and said, "Come on, let's do it the old fashion way!"

Hobbs was utterly bewildered about how he had been thrown out so easily. Jack may have been in good shape, but there was no way he could have launched himself that far on his own.

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