Hobbs Meet Sand

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Luke Hobbs, a U.S. federal agent, is a muscular man. He is played by the actor Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. He is known for his impressive physique.

But that's not important. What is important is that Hobbs has come knocking on Jack's door.

It's no surprise, really. Toretto and the others couldn't resist pulling off a high-profile job like burning down Reyes' warehouse. Hobbs and his team must have used facial recognition technology to track them down.

Using past data, Hobbs investigated everyone connected to Toretto and then used the "recently entered Rio" criterion to filter out the support members Toretto had called in for this job.

But even though they were filtered out, it's still a problem. Toretto and the others are not fools. They know to stay hidden when they're not in the abandoned factory.

Rio is a big and chaotic city, and Hobbs cannot find Toretto and the others. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

However, there is one person who can't stay hidden: Gisele. She wants to get her hands on the ten million dollars, so she has to participate in the operation. Otherwise, it's not going to work.

So, Jack has to go to the beach alone. But for a billionaire, a well-known figure, and a good-looking man, is he going to worry about not finding a beautiful female companion to keep him company?

Lying on a beach chair, blowing in the sea breeze, Jack comfortably enjoyed the service of two bikini-clad girls applying sunscreen to him. At the same time, he took in the ocean view.

It was Jack that Hobbs had his eye on.

"But, Hobbs, have you read the information on him?" Elena asked in the car.

"He's a billionaire and a major shareholder of many big companies!"

"That's not what I'm concerned about," Hobbs shook his head.

"He's not in the United States now. If he was, I'd have to pay attention to his relationships with the local police, which high-ranking officials he's connected with or what kind of identity he has."

"But now, in a foreign country where he has no influence, it's all about who has the bigger fist. And my fist is obviously bigger than his!"

Hobbs is dressed in full body armour and temperamentally out of place on the beach. He is sticking out like a sore thumb in between the semi-naked people. He marched down to the beach and approached Jack.

After applying sunscreen, Jack, who was sunbathing, felt a shadow loom over him.

Opening his eyes, Jack saw a shiny bald head.

Jack: "..."

"In this kind of weather, wearing those clothes, coming to the beach... officer, are you too weak to be afraid of the cold?"

Jack couldn't continue sunbathing in the shade, so he stood up, stretched his body, and asked.

Several women, including Elena, cast their eyes over, feeling a little dry-mouthed and even swallowing subconsciously.

Don't doubt it. When women see handsome guys, they have the same reactions as men do when they see beautiful women. It's completely subconscious.

"Jack, right?" Hobbs also noticed the change in the woman next to him and was jealous for a moment.

"Obviously, my muscles are bigger than his, so why are they looking at him like that and not me?" He thought as he subconsciously flexed.

If Jack knew what Hobbs was thinking, he would definitely answer him like this:

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