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A loud, deafening boom resounded as the thick concrete wall caved inwards, crumbling to the ground in a shower of debris.

The group had smashed their way through the wall and into the police department's archives room, where the safe containing their target was located.

The room was renowned for its impenetrability, as anyone attempting to force their way in from the front would have to navigate a gauntlet of security measures and heavily armed officers.

However, the police had overlooked the less obvious entry point: the garage. It was a vulnerability they had assumed would never be exploited. The idea of someone crashing through the wall seemed far-fetched, and Toretto and his crew were not known for their reckless behavior.



Toretto and Brian quickly attached one end of a steel cable they had brought to the safe while the other was firmly anchored to their two armored cars.







The loud thundering sound of gunfire filled the air as Jack's men unleashed the armored cars MI6 Vulcan Cannons, named "The Grim Reapers."

The guns were firing at their full capacity (6,000 rounds per minute), the bullets spewing out rapidly as the six barrels spun in high RPMs, chewing through the pile of ammunition at an alarming rate.

The police officers who had just arrived on the scene were caught off guard and immediately retreated, unable to withstand the fury of such powerful weapons. They didn't want to risk their lives for the sake of a drug lord's money, and many of them even discarded their guns and fled the scene in fear.

Meanwhile, Reyes was alerted by the commotion and quickly made his way to the file room where his money and livelihood were being kept. He was determined to make sure they wouldn't get away with it.

Toretto and Brian, who were now attached to the steel cable and the safe, had retreated to their respective cars, shut the doors, fastened their seat belts, and floored the accelerator, pushing their engines to the brink of their capabilities. The tires screeched against the pavement as white smoke billowed out from the wheels.

It's a strange irony that sometimes, the things we believe to be unbreakable can turn out to be weak. The most embarrassing thing is when you build the strongest safe in the world, but then install it on a flimsy wall.

This was the case here, the safe was incredibly sturdy and challenging to open, but it was only anchored to the concrete wall by a few bolts.

Toretto and Brian's cars successfully pulled the safe out of the wall. At the same time, Jack's men drove the armored vehicles to cover their escape.

Reyes arrived at the archives room to find his money, a huge safe containing $100 million in cash, had been taken away. Reyes was shocked as he watched his money, his lifeblood, disappear into the distance.

"Chase! Catch them!" Reyes shouted frantically.

"Hurry, chase them!" The chief of the police station quickly issued the order.

But, few police officers followed his command. They were overwhelmed by fear and would rather quit their job than be killed.

Except for some of Reyes's men, the rest of the policemen were only half-heartedly chasing Toretto and Brian. They were pretending to be doing their best. But in fact, the distance between them and Toretto remained constant. Jack was pleasantly surprised by the acting skills of those policemen.

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