The Game Has Just Began

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Gisele and Jack looked at each other intensely. It was a thrilling gamble, a rush of adrenaline, and a desperate struggle to not give up!

Because, on this sports car that could reach 100 km/h in three seconds and 300 km/h in 14 seconds, neither the driver nor the co-pilot was looking at the road ahead! And, they were on the busy streets of Rio city!

The time seemed to fly by, but for those sitting in the car and feeling the tremendous thrust and vibration, it seemed to drag on forever. In such a situation, no one knew if the next second there would be a deadly collision with the oncoming traffic!

Gisele's face began to look a little tense and her eyes became a little erratic, uncontrollably drifting towards the right corner towards the road ahead. But Jack remained indifferent, still smiling as ever.

"Fuck, you're a lunatic!" Gisele was the first to lose her cool, turning to look forward quickly.

How long had it been? Gisele wasn't sure. But during that time, how far had they traveled in this car? Gisele had no idea as she is new to the city.

"Am I capable enough?" Jack smiled, still not turning his head to look at the road ahead.

"Yes, you are capable to handle someone like me!"

"Look at the road!"

Gisele hurriedly pointed to the rear of another car that they were approaching quickly. At this speed and distance it's will be a guaranteed collision.


Jack laughed and turned his head, returning his hands to the steering wheel. With a light turn, the car safely and dangerously avoided the rear of the car.


Gisele let out a sigh of relief, barely relaxing before realizing she is drenched in sweat.

"You're a lunatic, you know that!" She said a bit angrily.

"I am not mad sweetheart. I have enough confidence in my own ability that's all," Jack smiled.

In fact, Jack wasn't lying. With his current capabilities, he couldn't just take a quick glance at the road ahead and know the situation his car would face in the next 5 minutes.

He hasn't reached that level of computing power. But... he can program!

The system when it improves Jack's [intelligence] attribute, it's an all-around improvement. It covers all aspects, not just improving his learning ability but also his analyzing speed, logical thinking, etc...

Of course, Jack wouldn't waste this talent so he had taught himself a lot of things. And now he is a master in many fields like stock trading, coding, hacking, human biology, various martial arts, and so on.

Before, he wasn't just messing around with Roman. He had really developed artificial intelligence. Of course, this artificial intelligence was not as high-tech as iron man's Jarvis. Instead, it is just a crude and simple one.

It wasn't able to achieve fully intelligent autonomous driving, but it could still handle simple tasks such as driving in a straight line and avoiding other vehicles within a certain distance.

But he didn't reveal his secrets to Gisele. Women love mysterious men. So he decided to be a bit mysterious.

"You are overconfident." Gisele rebuked Jack mercilessly. But after a while, she laughed suddenly,

"Hey, Jack do you usually pick up girls like this? Have you ever succeeded"

"No," Jack shook his head and smiled, "I only used it trick on you."

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